суббота, 21 мая 2011 г.

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  • mr.steevo
    Apr 20, 10:07 AM
    What justifies European & European colonial sense of entitlement in forums like these?

    I can buy an iPhone without contract and I don't live in Europe.

    This is a world phone.

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  • hexor
    Apr 26, 03:17 PM
    It's not *that" deceptive... they did include "US smartphone usage" in the headline.

    I'll bet you money they include Android tablets in the same chart if an Android tablet ever actually sells significant numbers. And it IS deceptive because they did not point out that the chart is completely different if you included all Apple iOS devices, whereas if you included all other Android devices besides phones the chart wouldn't change.

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  • Glen Quagmire
    Aug 5, 10:28 AM
    My predictions:

    * general update on how stuff is going.
    * quick demo of some new development tools.
    * preview of Leopard (with DVDs available to attendees).
    * Mac Pro.


    * XServe.
    * New Cinema displays.


    * A new model Mac that slots between the iMac and Mac Pro.

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  • Number 41
    Apr 20, 12:37 PM
    What are you people doing to scratch your phones so much? I don't use a case with my iPhone 4, carry it in my pocket (sometimes with my car keys) and there's not a noticeable scratch on the front or back.

    Scratching isn't the issue, it's the shattering that happens when the phone is impacted. I watched an iPhone shatter on a drop of less than 3 feet onto a padded (industrial carpet) floor. I've had friends iPhones shatter from sliding off a table accidentally, being dropped when getting out of a car, and even one who had it with him at a concert and it shattered from the 100+ degree heat.

    This wouldn't be an issue if they'd simply recessed the glass into the bezel on the front and used something sensible on the back.

    There's a very good reason why nothing that needs to be durable is made out of glass.

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  • jonnysods
    Apr 24, 03:32 PM
    Can't imagine the price of those panels. Maybe these will be for the new macbook airs. Just imagine!

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  • Doctor Q
    Mar 29, 08:05 PM
    If the mp3s have track information embedded in them, they maintain correct order when you upload them. Songs you've downloaded from iTunes should be fine. If it's stuff you stole from somewhere else, who knows who encoded it or what settings they used.
    OK, thanks, that's good news. In this case it's tracks from a CD I own, but since I rarely buy CDs any more this will be less and less of a problem!

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 7, 02:37 PM
    I'll wait for that until Paris, and if it isn't available then, I'll buy a PC with Core 2 Duo E6600 and GeForce 7900 GT.

    Mac OS X not do anything for you? :) I do agree that there is space for a Mid-range desktop.

    I think if Apple just made the Mac Mini a bit bigger. They could fit in a Core 2 Duo (Conroe) inside along with a 3.5" Hard Drive and GMA X3000. The 1.86 GHz Conroe kills the Yonah Core Solo in everything and costs less than the Core Solo. A 3.5" Hard Drive is also much better in the value department. Couple this with an option for a Single-Woodcrest Mac Pro and it completely eliminates the need for a mid-range tower.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 16, 11:53 AM
    Congratulations! You have just provided a second independent source of unnatural delay proving Apple is already manufacturing Merom C2D MBPs and that 17" models will ship behind 15" models by a week Monday October 2.

    As long as they at least announce the 17" MBP C2D, I'll be happy, even if it isn't immediately available.

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  • antster94
    Apr 20, 03:36 AM
    If there's no screen size increase, and a MAJOR overhaul of iOS, then HTC Sensation here I come :)

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 10, 01:25 AM
    Whenever you write math symbols out using a keyboard, the "/" symbol always means division; it is not a fraction bar. Therefore, I treat the "/" symbol as a division operation, and get 288.

    If one reads the "/" symbol as a fraction bar, then the answer is 2. However, because of the limitations of a standard QWERTY keyboard (which I assume is all we have to work with), it is wise to always represent numerators and denominators with master brackets. To make this equation equal 2, it should read 48/(2(9+3))

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  • mikeapple
    Apr 25, 10:03 AM
    Hilarious that the email sender said a DROID won't track him...hahahah so funny... as if a "GOOGLE" phone doesn't track their Android user's every move... This isn't really a iPhone matter, its a matter of all smartphones, with maybe a little exception for blackberry's. It's really nothing new... Google even has a stored database for random screen-caps it takes on all its Android users at any time.

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  • darrens
    Aug 4, 06:16 PM
    Afterall it's just a couple lines of code. :D

    Shouldn't be much code - the Adobe apps are already cross platform so there shouldn't be many endian issues to sort out. It's just a matter of changing development environments to use XCode and re-testing.

    Not simple, but not something that should take almost 2 years either.

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  • ~Shard~
    Aug 12, 09:11 AM
    So you think Penryn pairs may be the 4 core mobile solution in 2008?

    Possibly, although if Intel keeps moving along is may more likely end up being Penryn's successor. ;) ;cool:

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  • kpbpsw
    Nov 2, 05:55 PM
    There is no reason to put anti-virus software on your Mac!

    It will not protect you from anything that is out there.

    Sophos may be a reputable company or it may not be but you do not need this and it can only harm your system and promote a business that feeds on fear.

    We (the Mac community) should not let the security industry get a toe hold in OSX.

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  • adamfilip
    May 6, 07:11 AM
    just waiting to intel or apple to buy ARM...

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  • 0815
    Apr 5, 02:56 PM
    I travel internationally weekly, and EVERY international iPhone carrier is bound by their arms and legs just like AT&T. It's Apple's way or no way. Want to advertise iPhone? MUST be Apple's advertisements. Want to offer iPhone? Must include visual voicemail as Apple wants it. Want to sell iPhone? Must be at Apple's prices with apple's terms.

    Want to break the contract with Apple? Must turn over your first born child. It's the same story in every country. I am very well traveled, and I'm very familiar with iPhone in other countries. I bought both mine in the UK, FYI

    even google disagrees with you - they wish in the meantime to have forced more control over the carriers (as they already admitted in the public) :D

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  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 05:07 PM
    Apple's problem is that they put "Looks" before performance.

    They crippled their chances of ever becoming a serious competitor to the PC for games due to deciding to use giant laptops on a stand which meant they could not cool any decent graphics cards, handing the gaming crown to the PC for years on a plate.

    As for the future who knows.

    And today they are the Gold Standard for consumer tech.

    OS X runs very well on Apple hardware. OS X apps run very well on Apple hardware. Not sure what the problem with performance is.

    Those "laptops on a stand" are selling in record numbers while the rest of the computer industry is in a sharp downturn.

    They've got the future of gaming all locked up nice and tight on iOS, not on PCs as we know them but on mobile devices which keep getting more powerful and which as we know, are the future of computing.

    Your anecdotal opinion is cool and all, but perspective please!

    Apple has been completely and unequivocally unaffected by conceding the gaming market to someone else. Instead, they've revisited it and have created a new standard. if that's what "losing" means then I'm damned impressed.

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  • carrako
    Mar 30, 06:45 PM
    Can this build be installed/updated over the previous Developer Preview 1 install? Or do I have to do a clean install after each new build?

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 06:52 PM
    But are they FB-DIMMs?Yes I corrected my pricing on post #188 to reflect that. Still cheaper than Apple (http://www.wiredzone.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=32003196&source=froogle).

    $386 per pair of 1GB sticks.

    Apr 26, 03:02 PM
    Except that each and every single person who has purchased an Android phone could have purchased an iPhone instead. The fact there is one Android phone or ten Android phones is irrelevant. Every one of those people could have chose to buy an iPhone. They didn't.

    Only true in the sense that every Honda Fit owner could have chose to buy an Audi R8 but didn't.

    Not every Android device is purchased. My brother has one only because IT WAS FREE (and he has no clue how to use even 10% of the functions). He has never once purchased an app.

    Apr 16, 12:57 PM
    First of all, some inflation is ok, and normal as long as it doesn't get too high. And how does money sitting in a bank account, or under my mattress create jobs? If nobody is buying anything then the economy goes down, that has been shown many times.

    Poor people spend more of their money to cover basic necessities, so inflation effects them much more. Inflation is a dishonest tax because people don't understand it as a tax. Some morons even think some inflation is a good thing. Rather than have income tax, the government could just have the fed create all the money they want to spend. Instead, they know they have to spread it out. If I made 100k, roughly 35% would go to the fed, 10.6% will go to California, 1-5% will go to local. Then there's property taxes. Then if I want to spend the money, there's a 9.75% sales tax. And the government can't make due on that money, so they either borrow or print. When you print, that is pure inflation. It's like pouring water into a pool. The water level might not seem to rise exactly as much as you put in because of the volatility. When the government borrows, the principal doesn't chase goods, but our interest payments do. Once, they mature, they will start chasing goods. So inflation is another tax that the government can play with when they need more spending money. Compare the governments measurement of inflation, CPI, with the headlines of higher food prices. Thanks goodness the CPI doesn't include the volatility of food and energy, because the purpose of having a CPI is to produce a smooth line on a chart, not to get an indicator for prices or anything. The DOW rises and falls every day. Why isn't anyone proposing a DOW comprised only of companies that rise very slowly and predictably? My guess is they would rather have an indicator that indicated something.

    Edit: I just wanted to add that we are now monetizing our debt. Rather than selling it off, the fed is buying our deficit spending with created money, creating pure inflation right now. Look at gas prices and keep in mind that the storage facility for oil, I think, Cushing, OK is at one of the highest points in history. We literally have gas up the wazoo. Inflation is effecting prices much more than Middle East events. I wouldn't be surprised if the timing of these events weren't coincidental.

    And when money is in a bank, the bank can loan an entrepreneur money to start a business that hires people. If the money is invested, it will provide capital for a business to expand. If $1 dollar is consumed, one person can have a candy bar. If $1 is saved, $10 will go towards a small business that might provide a continual source of income and services for many people. If we consume with deficit spending, one person can have a candy bar and his progeny will have to continue paying interest on it. Would the solution be to have a candy bar consuming economy because the GDP numbers will look good?

    Mar 28, 10:35 AM
    Thats codswallop, even apple wouldn't be dim enough to allow such an opportunity to go by without at least something to offer to keep market share and tabloid inches filled.

    No iPhone 5 = Lost customers.
    No iMac refresh = Lost customers.
    No iPod Touch refresh = Lost Customers
    No ACD new addition = Lost customers.

    etc etc. "b"ock and "c"all is what I say.

    Nov 11, 05:39 PM
    Just a side note to all the discussion in this thread. I just searched the Navigon site for the European Version of the iPhone mount and the price to buy it is 39.95 Euros + VAT charges = 44.90 Euros (or $67.48), and does not count the shipping charges. At $67, it makes the purchase of the TomTom Car Kit at $87 an amazing deal. The Navigon kit is only the windshield mount and a charging cable.

    Here's the link if you want to look for yourself:


    Sep 10, 10:55 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Apple is hosting (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060905144401.shtml) a media event on Tuesday, September 12th 2006 in San Francisco, CA at 10AM Pacific. The event will also be simulcast to a location in London (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060831122800.shtml) where journalists have also been invited.

    The invitation to the media was entitled It's Showtime (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060905144401.shtml) -- suggesting Movie-related announcements. Rumors sites had originally expected (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060904073025.shtml) iMac updates during the event, but Apple surprised everyone with iMac (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060906091309.shtml) and Mac mini updates (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060906094056.shtml) last week.

    This leaves iPods (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060904073025.shtml), a Movie Store (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060906185220.shtml) and the possibility of a new streaming Media device (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060904194920.shtml) for the Tuesday event.

    As usual, a number of anonymous images have been circulating claiming to represent upcoming products, but these are all considered to be fake. Other circumstantial evidence (http://www.gizmodo.com/gadgets/gadgets/ipods-invisible-in-ads-199610.php) has been reported, but no definitive information on the event.

    As always, MacRumors will provide continuing coverage, however, access to these events have become more restricted, so please contact us (http://mailto:webmaster@macrumors.com?Subject=Showtime Coverage) if you are attending.

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