суббота, 21 мая 2011 г.

solar power

solar power. concentrating solar power
  • concentrating solar power

  • peeInMyPantz
    Aug 4, 06:14 AM
    I think the very last machine to get it will be the bottom end MacBook and slowest Mac Mini. There is no reason why they could not offer both Yonah and Merom in the same systems since they are the same sockets. With the discounted Yonah or Core Solo they could hit there $499 price point on the mini and $899 for the Core Duo white MacBook. The Black MacBook will see Merom near the same time as MBP. They may wait 3 weaks or so to see if the Merom supply can meet demand.
    I don't think price for MB will ever drop, even if they're staying with yonah. It's selling quite well at this price. If they offer yonah and merom in the same system, the price diff will not be a lot, and apple will end up stocking for both yonah and merom, which is not something they will do

    I'm gonna go on record and say they will NOT intro new MBP at wwdc. Some sales of the current MBP are better than none and if they they intro a new one they will not sell any and probably just take pre orders. Not gonna happen. They will wait until late August or early September to announce them when they are actually ready.
    sales are going to drop anyway, coz ppl are going to wait. It's just like last year before intel processor come into the picture, there's a drop in sales coz ppl are waiting..

    That banner is showing Apple's existing products, not future products. The 64 bit logo is no doubt referring to the current line of G5 machines.

    maybe it's about leopard

    .. don't u just love speculation.. haha

    solar power. solar powered boat.
  • solar powered boat.

  • LeoNobilis
    Mar 29, 05:03 PM
    Those idiots must stop investing heavily in the asian markets. They are essentially selling their technology to asians, while also squandering immense financial resources on them.

    solar power. solar power. solar cells to
  • solar power. solar cells to

  • benedetti
    May 7, 11:44 AM
    There must be a catch, like...
    "free with Mac OSX 10.7" (?)

    solar power. Solar panel
  • Solar panel

  • ciTiger
    Apr 26, 03:34 PM
    Android will rule in numbers... It ha more handsets on more carriers and cheaper hardware. iOS can't compete with that unless Apple keeps old generation devices at lower prices which I find hard to believe...

    solar power. solar power plants in usa.
  • solar power plants in usa.

  • nelmat
    Apr 20, 06:53 AM
    Lets see:
    Faster CPU = Shorter battery life

    Let's see - the iPad 2 had a faster CPU and has the same/better battery life. So where is your logic?

    solar power. Embrace Solar Power
  • Embrace Solar Power

  • realitymonkey
    Mar 31, 08:14 AM

    Ah yes can we have a decent source please not that ridiculous piece of ill conceived drivel that is the Daily Mail.

    solar power. of putting solar panels in
  • of putting solar panels in

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 18, 03:00 PM
    All of these companies are interconnected. They support each other when it's beneficial, they attack when it's beneficial. The "wars" between game consoles, HD discs, and other competitions make strange bedfellows...

    They know it is just business, not personal.

    solar power. UniSolar flexible solar
  • UniSolar flexible solar

  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 27, 03:58 PM
    I think apple has even more of a lockdown on iOS 5 and because there are no leaks they are reporting delay.

    solar power. Home gt; Solar Energy Stocks
  • Home gt; Solar Energy Stocks

  • Northgrove
    May 6, 04:21 AM
    I was about to say, "What?! And lose the Windows compatibility they bragged on so much with the Intel transition? You're kidding me!", then I remembered that Windows 8 is also rumored (confirmed?) to run on ARM.

    This might actually happen..
    Yes, hmm... You bring up an interesting point of view here.

    Windows 8 do currently run on ARM, yes:

    Not sure if MS decides to ship it for ARM or not (working in a controlled tech demo doesn't imply a finished stable release in the Windows 8 timeframe), but what matters here is that Microsoft is absolutely moving to support ARM either in Windows 8 or later.

    solar power. of your solar power system
  • of your solar power system

  • res1233
    May 6, 05:37 AM

    First step to a totally closed system. Pretty soon all our applications we want will have to come through the App store for our Macs. The day I see that is the day I turn my Mac OFF.

    I will go back to Windows in a heart beat if I am forced to buy my applications and such through Apple.

    First off, why do you care where you get your apps from? Second, I highly doubt Apple is going to make Mac OS as closed as iOS. It just makes no sense. They would have to redesign too much of the OS to make it that closed, and they'd have to take away so many features that it wouldn't be the same OS anymore. I doubt Apple is stupid enough to do that. It's true that Apple wants to have as much control over the entire process as they can get, but I firmly believe that there are limits to it. They wont sabotage their own OS because I don't think i've ever met anyone clueless enough to think that that would be a good idea.

    solar power. The phone is powered by solar
  • The phone is powered by solar

  • flopticalcube
    May 4, 03:50 PM
    You sound like every Mac OS X user is located in the US.

    Many countries have caps. US, Canada, Australia.

    solar power. Concentrated Solar Power
  • Concentrated Solar Power

  • Prom1
    Mar 30, 10:23 PM
    Can't say I've been excited by new OSes since Panther/Tiger. Yay it's more iOS-like and we get an app store.


    I gotta agree. Something about going with IOS as a touchy-feely just doesn't rub me right. There are improvements that I really welcome - but I don't think using an Mac App Store for application deployment is required. The Restore feature is just Time Machine augmented in my narrow mind.

    So what part of 'iOS' fluff do Versions, Air Drop, Mission Control, Auto Save and Lion Server fit under?

    'Useful' UI improvements? So what would you consider useful? Personally full screen apps, a native application launcher that can be organized, and resume are all useful to me. Get out of the mindset that just because it originated from iOS means that it won't be useful.

    I'd like for you to explain how iOS implementations as a UI are actually useful to the desktop OS?
    - Keep in mind that drawing characters on the Trackpad is already in Snow Leopard; Auto Save/Restore like I said is just Time Machine in a different direction, Mission Control is a Task Manager for Expose (I feel its the WRONG direction really; this is not a classic smartphone), and Lion Server seems to be more a "home server" with features stripped or missing.

    Many things are STILL not known and until we all try them out in full production use means we ALL have a mindset that is not up to par of what Apple believes can benefit us all.

    Either way we have another 10 more years with OS X; or the technologies it offers - Steve Jobs OS X Introduction.

    solar power. solar power diagram. simple
  • solar power diagram. simple

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 10, 06:56 PM

    So the government has use of your money all year, and you're OK with that?? :confused:

    Sure, everyone likes a budget surplus.

    I tend to see it as the government holding on to it for me so I don't spend it and get to then use it as disposable income. ;)

    solar power. Solar power is a currently
  • Solar power is a currently

  • clientsiman
    May 3, 02:17 AM
    You think you've got it bad? In Britain we have
    milk and beer by the pint
    coke by the litre
    roads by the mile
    tablecloths/fabric etc by the metre
    petrol/diesel by the litre
    fuel efficiency is measured in miles per gallon but carbon emissions are measured in grams per kilometer.
    weight of people in stones and pounds
    sugar/flour etc in kilograms
    fruit by the pound
    cheese by grams
    bread loaves are labelled in grams, bread rolls sold by the dozen.
    height in feet and inches.

    and so on. It's a real mess. Basically we started to change, then stopped because people didn't like it. Then the EU decided certain things must be measured imperial, so now we have a have way house where nothing makes sense.

    We switched from pricing petrol in gallons to litres when petrol got to 99.9 pence per gallon, and it was easier to change the signs to litres than add another digit. :rolleyes:

    I grew up in Greece using only SI so it was very strange for me to measure weight in stones as I haven't heard it before. Luckily everyone in Scotland also knew their weight in kilos too.

    My biggest problem was that distances where in miles and therefore everything was way further that I though. It's just an inconvenience but after a while you get used to it.

    solar power. of integrating solar power
  • of integrating solar power

  • dampfnudel
    Mar 27, 12:36 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I don't believe the iPad 3 is coming out this year. However, I'm curious what Apple would do if they wanted to change the release date to a later month, say September. Theoretically, they could release a slightly improved model at a higher price point later this year, calling it a "Pro" model, while still selling the current model. Then early next year, discontinue the iPad 2 and continue to sell the Pro models at a reduced price until September 2012 when the iPad 3 is released. I'm not saying this will happen, but I just wanted to point out a possible senario if Apple wants a later release date for the iPad.

    solar power. There are so many solar power
  • There are so many solar power

  • macbwizard
    Mar 28, 09:45 AM
    Who is this joker?

    Apple�s apparent focus on software in its WWDC announcement backs up what my own sources are saying about the annual conference. That is, expect a software show in not a hardware event.

    It's a DEVELOPERS CONFERENCE it is always focused on software. This announcement does nothing to prove either way.

    solar power. how does solar power energy
  • how does solar power energy

  • Krafty
    Apr 5, 02:32 PM
    75% of the wallpapers are some asian chick sitting on the hood of some car
    Nothing wrong with that on my end.

    solar power. solar power energy diagram.
  • solar power energy diagram.

  • BuffyzDead
    Apr 18, 02:53 PM
    Only in Business where two companies that are active partners, as Samsung is a major Vendor to Apple, can they this happen.

    Of Course Apple is right to sue.

    I always imagined that when Apple sends over all the blueprints, for the technologies/products that Apple asks Samsung to build, those Blueprints go right to Samsung R&D. To copy and learn from.

    solar power. Can Used Solar Panels Be Great
  • Can Used Solar Panels Be Great

  • andrewbecks
    May 4, 03:57 PM
    How would one do a "complete fresh reinstall" by this method? Or will we be able to burn to a disc/USB key?

    I'm wondering the same thing.

    Personally, I'd rather not risk eating up my AT&T crappy bandwidth limit and would love to be able to pickup a USB-key in the store. It would also be necessary to have for fresh installs.

    May 8, 12:16 AM
    I don't mind paying family mobileme account, but only one of my friends has mobileme and frankly I NEVER use iChat or other services to network because nobody is on mobileme... at least not my friends.

    Jan 29, 01:31 AM
    I purchased the TOMTOM app early on and paid $99 for it. One week later, I found it posted in the App Store for $49.99 and today, a couple of weeks after that, the price is $59.99. I have searched the App Store site, iTunes Store AND the Apple site and do not understand how to find a Customer Service Link to ask about a refund for the difference in price. Does anyone know how to reach Customer Service for the APP Store? Thanks in advance...

    also you're mixing two different Apps ... if you purchased the TomTom app early on fro $99, then you purchased the USA + Canada app ... the $59 app is USA-only ... so in effect, you're actually negotiating the purchase of a different app

    your USA + Canada version is $79 currently

    i agree w/ wclyffe, good luck ... they don't make it easy

    not sure it'll work this late after you originally purchased, but you might ask for your "one-time, no questions asked" app refund ... then repurchase the USA only version, if that's what you're interested in

    Apr 25, 10:43 AM
    The info circulating around is false.


    PS shouldn't you be at your gym right now? It's Monday morning, after all.

    Good one. Like anyone on MR goes to the gym! Pshh!

    Nov 27, 09:22 AM
    i don't think it would appeal to that many people, to have an apple tablet.

    i mean, the PC/Win versions aren't great sellers...

    Probably used more for medical infomatics applications than anything else. Here at the nursing college I work for we are always evaluating Windoze tablet computers for medical applications. Sure would be nice to see a Mac alternative out there.

    May 3, 09:23 PM
    EDIT: Read above. Don't panic got it.

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