вторник, 17 мая 2011 г.

new york times magazine

new york times magazine. Freida Pinto New York Times
  • Freida Pinto New York Times

  • generik
    Sep 15, 08:39 PM
    I checked the store after I saw this. 17'' BTO ship in 5-7 business days, so that is the 25-27th. 15'' ship in 1-3. All stock models ship in 24 hours.

    For as long as I can remember, it has never taken that long for BTO, even durning the back to school rush.

    Very nice evidence, thanks for the post.

    Does that mean that no updates for the 15"s? :o

    new york times magazine. on New York Times Magazine
  • on New York Times Magazine

  • Demoman
    Jul 21, 04:29 PM
    To date we have not seen Apple update any of their Intel products. So it may not be any different. The pressure will be on Apple with new processors coming out all of the time. Steve Jobs keps Apple from doing what you would exspect much of the time.

    Bill the TaxMan

    If Apple was to start upgrading existing Intel products before their entire product line was completely done, the rumors would be, "There must be problems with the < fill in the blank > conversion. Why would they already be on the 2nd revision of the Mini when the < fill in the blank > has not even been done."

    There is no way to win the rumor war. So, staying with the original statement that the entire product line would be completed in 2006 is exactly what Apple should do, and probably is. Beyond that, it is anyone's guess how often they will offer product upgrades, or even how diverse the final product line will be. I also think Apple is excited about new opportunities, not feeling 'pressure'.

    new york times magazine. The New York Times Magazine
  • The New York Times Magazine

  • marksman
    Apr 25, 11:10 AM
    No, he said "the info circulating". "THE" info includes the info about the database.

    The question specifically asked about Apple tracking this person. That is the question he was answering.

    new york times magazine. Work Index | Next gt;. New
  • Work Index | Next gt;. New

  • skeep5
    Nov 3, 11:23 AM

    new york times magazine. Jennifer Aniston New York
  • Jennifer Aniston New York

  • okboy
    Apr 23, 06:18 PM
    Bogus story because Apple would never fit graphics cards capable of outputting at that res in the iMacs or laptops. Plus I don't think any single monitor can have that resolution that you can buy today?

    They currently do... even the Airs can do 1440x700 plus a 2560x1440 Cinema Display. And the 15" MBP and up and all the iMacs have pretty good video cards. You're wrong.

    Retina Cinema in Summer?

    I'm hoping for a new Cinema too, but the DPI on them is as high as it's ever going to get, IMO. There's no need for a higher pixel density on a screen that you see from that distance. The screens in them are already very dense. They're equivalent to the Dell Ultra Sharp, which are over $1000.

    The resolution will not be updated, but hopefully the Cinemas will get dual Thunderbolt ports and maybe USB 3.0 and audio through Thunderbolt.

    new york times magazine. The new york times wikipédia
  • The new york times wikipédia

  • xnu
    Jul 22, 07:42 AM
    DailyTech previously reported that according to IBM, yields on the Cell processors were extremely poor, and that most Cell processors would ship without all eight cores working. According to IBM, some PlayStation 3 units will have 7-core Cell processors and some with 8-core Cell processors.

    what a difference using Intel chips have made. Who would have predicted that they would actually be shipping chips ahead of their own road map after the whole PowerPC painful journey.

    new york times magazine. Leighton New York Times
  • Leighton New York Times

  • cvaldes
    Apr 23, 05:44 PM
    Who do I make the check payable to?
    Apple Inc.

    new york times magazine. the new york times magazine.
  • the new york times magazine.

  • Roy Hobbs
    Aug 2, 01:38 PM
    If you 'can't have cameras' dont use them. It doesnt matter if they are built in. And for people with dual monitors they will have... er... oh yeh two cameras :D

    It does matter if they are built in or not......many government facilities adn the like will not allow ANY cameras in the building regardless if you are using them or not. More and more companies are implementing policies like this.

    new york times magazine. new york times magazine covers
  • new york times magazine covers

  • scottrichardson
    May 6, 01:35 AM
    LOL, sorry but I find this really hard to believe. What with Intel's recent announcement of the 22nm "3D" tri-gate transistor based Processors coming out this year which are even lower power etc... I just doubt Apple could get something as good from an ARM chip.

    I guess Apple having more control, a'la the A4/A5 chips in iOS gear is appealing to them.. but if they want so much control, why not buy Foxxcon and all their other suppliers too? (maybe that's their aim with all that cash they're sitting on).

    new york times magazine. cool New York Times Magazine
  • cool New York Times Magazine

  • lkrupp
    Apr 7, 10:24 AM
    So you want Apple to be forced by the government to reduce its manufacturing, tell its customers "sorry, no iPad for you" because the competition needs to catch up? How stupid is that?:rolleyes:

    If Apple was found to be abusing its position... yes. But this is NOT my point... 'countries start to investigate Apple due to a shortage of components due to Apple buying up the available stock'.

    And just how could Apple be found to be absuing its position by buying what it needs to supply its customers whith product? Maybe if the iPad wasn't selling all that well but Apple can't keep up with demand as it is. Arguments like yours don't even make sense and I'll bet you some serious money that no one can produce a single instance of a company "found to be abusing its position" by buying what its needs to produce and sell its products. It would appear people like you are just angry that Apple is successful and want to take it down somehow. Stupid, just stupid.

    new york times magazine. 4th Annual New York Times
  • 4th Annual New York Times

  • marksman
    Apr 7, 03:25 PM
    Yes, the war just started and things are heating up. I would think the next few years will result in a tablet OS distribution that looks like this:

    iOS - 35%
    Android - 40%
    WebOS - 20%
    RIM - 5%

    Apple - 35%
    HP - 20%
    RIM - 5%
    Samsung - 15%
    Moto - 10%
    LG - 10%
    HTC - 5%

    Maybe Microsoft will wedge their way in, maybe the percentages will be shifted around a little. But the growth of the tablet market will stabilize or at least stop growing at the rapid pace that it currently enjoys.

    The point I'm making is that the hot market only seems to be lasting 4 to 5 years. 10 years ago, MP3 players was the hot market. 5 years ago, smartphones was the hot market. This year, it's tablets. 5 years from now ... who knows, but it won't be tablets.

    Don't apply the phone dynamic to Tablets. Android is not likely to take a lead in tablet market share for a long time if forever.

    Every single time a customer goes to buy a tablet they will have the choice to buy an iPad. The only way that changes is if the wireless companies are able to give away cheap android tablets with data plan contracts. Otherwise, it is going to be very difficult for the commodity android market to overtake Apple.

    Every store they go to, an iPad will be there next to it, and since Apple took such an aggressive price stance from the beginning, it is going to be hard for anyone to take that position away from them, especially a mish mash of opposing companies relying on a free OS by another party.

    new york times magazine. New York Times Magazine
  • New York Times Magazine

  • dextertangocci
    Jul 30, 01:46 AM
    my t-mobile contract expires in september..

    maybe along with the mac pros, new macbook pros, intel core 2 duo, movies on iTunes, WWDC will bring about the iPhone and no-touch full screen video iPod..

    *yeah right*

    You forgot to ad in the 13.3" MBP. lol.

    new york times magazine. New York Times Magazine,
  • New York Times Magazine,

  • 28monkeys
    Mar 30, 08:43 PM
    Did apple ever say it will release golden masteR?

    new york times magazine. new york times magazine
  • new york times magazine

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 10, 06:15 PM
    Multiplication is always what you do, when there is a term directly adjacent to the ().

    "Oh, I did not know that!!" - Johnny Carson, The Tonight Show

    I get 61,835, but I'm beginning to think someone has mucked around with the keys on my calculator.

    Finally, humour.

    Check your IMOS battery. I think it's failing. :p

    new york times magazine. New York Times magazine.
  • New York Times magazine.

  • marvel2
    Dec 28, 11:53 PM
    Glad everyone is starting to get their TT kit. We should move this discussion to the iPhone Accessories forum.

    new york times magazine. This is New York Times cover
  • This is New York Times cover

  • Jeevs bost
    Jul 31, 06:30 AM
    Yeah, agreed, but I'm just saying that there's no truth in the "photographer" crap. This is totally false.

    new york times magazine. Leighton New York Times
  • Leighton New York Times

  • spazzcat
    Mar 29, 09:18 AM
    how many of those apps sell music and movies for use on portable devices?

    new york times magazine. Freida Pinto New York Times
  • Freida Pinto New York Times

  • teme
    Aug 7, 03:45 PM
    2. What applications do you need that a Mac Mini Core Duo can't handle? Oh, games? Why in the sweet baby Jesus' name are you on MACrumors if you're a gamer? Apple cedes your kind to Dellienware. Go. Shoo. Leave the grownups alone.

    Here's other point of view: I want to use OSX in everyday use (Safari, Mail, iTunes, graphic design, Dreamweaver etc... and OSX overall). But sometimes I want to play games too, and it's awesome that nowadays it's possible to boot into Windows and play games there and then boot back into OSX. Are you saying that Apple should totally forget all users who would like to use OSX but occasionally play games on Windows, and let them buy PCs? Most of the gamers do not use their computer ONLY to play games. Consumer tower would be good for Apple to get new switchers and get more marketshare.

    new york times magazine. Freida Pinto New York Times
  • Freida Pinto New York Times

  • illbeback
    Apr 5, 04:31 PM
    Jobs should just make an iCar and show Toyota how to do it!

    Sep 16, 12:07 PM
    agreed, the keyboard would look FUGLY.

    couldn't have said it better myself. haha.

    Mar 30, 01:18 AM
    Who cares? There are greater things to worry about than iPods at the moment..

    May 7, 12:50 PM
    I'd get it if it were free!!

    gmail is free... so why can't mobile me?

    Now I start thinking about it, I've never paid Google a single cent, but I use
    *Google search engine
    *Google maps
    *Google Earth
    (*And I used Picasa for a short period of time)

    Maybe some orther stuff but the point is... its all free!:)

    It's free if you think giving Google all of your privacy and identity is worth the 'price' :p

    Apr 25, 09:08 AM
    I never understand these things.

    It's like asking a burger "did you steal anything?"

    The answer will either be silence or it will be no.

    Even if Apple were using and collecting tracking locations to build up databases of customer movements, they are not going to shout "YES WE ARE TRACKING PEOPLE"

    It's just a silly question to ask, what do you think they will say?

    If Apple want to be seen to be squeaky they have a simple answer, put a setting in the iDevices options to turn off location tracking/storage.

    Apr 5, 01:53 PM
    "Toyota had agreed to do so to "maintain their good relationship with Apple," "

    Toyota has a relationship with Apple, good or bad? Why? I don't see the connection.

    The upcoming iPrius ;)

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