вторник, 17 мая 2011 г.

high gas prices cartoons

high gas prices cartoons. gas prices cartoon. high gas
  • gas prices cartoon. high gas

  • Juan007
    Apr 7, 10:58 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Good for Apple. They knew years ago they would be selling millions of iPads so they secured the supply. It pays to be a tech LEADER not a follower. Too bad so sad for all the companies whose tablets weren't conceived until the day after iPad 1 launch.

    "Oh you want some LCD, sorry we're out. Apple bought our entire production three years ago."

    high gas prices cartoons. high gas prices cartoons.
  • high gas prices cartoons.

  • Les Kern
    Apr 10, 09:12 PM
    i got 41.098

    Must be this PC I'm using.

    high gas prices cartoons. Gas cramps, in cartoon form
  • Gas cramps, in cartoon form

  • toddybody
    Apr 7, 11:43 AM
    Copycat tactics or not, it's still competition which is good for us consumers. That includes the not-too-bright Apple fanboys who may think otherwise.

    *Huge Audible Sigh of relief

    Thank you for saying that:D

    high gas prices cartoons. Everything To Know About Your
  • Everything To Know About Your

  • mixel
    Apr 26, 02:38 PM
    I voted positive.. It's only good for us that there are multiple modern, solid, successful handheld OS around. I hope Win Mobile gets some share too.

    Quite funny seeing Symbian dying by the side of the road too, I've never liked it much despite loving some of Nokia's hardware choices.

    I prefer my Apple-land devices but I can see why some people don't. :) Bring on the competition. I like Apple's slow but steady and generally well implemented feature roll-outs too.. Agree about the notification system though, it needs replacing.

    high gas prices cartoons. Super High Gas Prices
  • Super High Gas Prices

  • marksman
    Apr 18, 04:18 PM
    I think they are all adults, and they keep these things very separate. If someone said to their colleagues in another department "don't buy screens from Samsung, we are involved in a lawsuit" or "don't sell screens to Apple, we are involved in a lawsuit", the answer would be "are you mad? They are our best supplier, I don't care about any lawsuit" or "are you mad? They are our best customer, I don't care about any lawsuit".

    I guarantee you that the division that sells screens to apple is pissed about this, and that Apple tried to work on this internally with Samsung before filing suit.

    I know how different divisions of large corporations interact, and I guarantee you the divison making smartphones and tablets are at odds with the screen supplying over this and whatever else.

    People that run large divisions often don't care about the other divisions and are only worried about themselves, even if it screws other parts of the company over.

    The customer has the leverage in this situation and pissing them off is just a really bad idea.

    Believing that Apple wouldn't change suppliers is just ignorant. This is the kind of thing that gives them motivation to start pushing harder with other companies to create screens for them, because Samsung has become an unreliable partner. Instead of just being happy with their relationship, Samsung has jeopardized it and given Apple motivation to look for other partners.

    It has put the long term business of selling that many screens to Apple in jeopardy.

    high gas prices cartoons. high gas prices cartoons.
  • high gas prices cartoons.

  • Jape
    Nov 30, 01:47 AM
    I wonder if it will actually come this time

    high gas prices cartoons. to high gas prices.
  • to high gas prices.

  • nuckinfutz
    May 8, 06:49 PM
    I always have to laugh at things like this. It's akin to people complaining about having to pay $50 for 12 months of Xbox Live.

    $99 a year is a pittance for MoblieMe; break that down over 12 months and it's roughly $8 a month. I don't know about the rest of you, but I know that I easily blow $8 a week on things I don't even remember from week-to-week, let alone setting $8 a month to the side.

    It's the human way. We all know we waste money on other things. I have my sports websites that I often pay about $10 to keep up on current events. Being a working class bloke means that a certain amount of disposable income comes with the territory.

    Everyone's needs are so different. If you have one device MobileMe isn't going to make much sense. If you have a couple of Macs, an iPod Touch, and iPhone or iPad then suddenly without MobileMe you're relying on web based tools (and the weakness they come with) or your spending a lot of redundant effort in data entry.

    For me I'm at a point where I try to get things organized. My Safari bookmarks scream "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder" though I'm not an OCD person in every facet of my life. What this means in the context of MobileMe is that I can be out and get notified of of an interesting web address. I add it to my phone and voila before I get home the bookmark is on my Mac where it should be.

    My motto is "never input data twice"

    high gas prices cartoons. Gas Prices
  • Gas Prices

  • robertgenito
    Nov 3, 02:23 PM
    The next phases of Sopho's agenda:

    1) create more "viruses" and get as much media hype as possible. This will ensure a larger demand of their free product.

    2) once a significant number of users are registered and using their free product, force them to update their application--for new virus protection. this new update will lock them into a 30-day trial mode :) users will have to pay $60 per year in order to stay protected.

    I'm not worried at all honestly. I'm just even happier to be running a unix-based operating system :)

    high gas prices cartoons. high gas prices cartoons.
  • high gas prices cartoons.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 2, 11:40 PM
    you act like the Core Duo (Yonah) is terribly slower than Core 2 Duo (Merom), but benchmarks have showed that they are very similar in performance. i don't see the big deal about upgrading all of them now, when the current chip has plenty of powerSorry. That was not the intent of my meaning. I agree with you. But now that Core 2 are shipping, the 64-bit character of this new generation of processors will in the long term make a difference in the OS as well as in the Pro apps. There are also large energy management differences between Yonah and Merom giving the portables noticably longer battery life immediately.

    high gas prices cartoons. high gas prices cartoons.
  • high gas prices cartoons.

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 09:44 AM
    Scary, and seems to be US only.

    Thank god its us only!! lol

    high gas prices cartoons. high gas prices cartoons.
  • high gas prices cartoons.

  • SPUY767
    Jul 21, 03:41 PM
    Three words: Back to School.

    high gas prices cartoons. gasoline. Gas Prices
  • gasoline. Gas Prices

  • MacFly123
    Mar 29, 03:12 PM
    I think amazonmp3.com looks pretty good. A bit lacking in some extra metadata that I'd like to see but certainly not hideous. Everything works, and works well. Much faster to navigate around my music than via iTunes. Give me speed over superfluous eye-candy any day.

    The AmazonMP3 Android app looks very nice btw...

    Ok, no offense, but you are not a designer are you lol??? And I have yet to see anything on Android that looks "very nice", just sayin'!

    craigslist.org? :p

    Haha, I will give you that they are at least on par, but Amazon has no excuse being the biggest online retailer in the world and one of the biggest internet presences on earth that is making tons of money!

    high gas prices cartoons. From High Gas Prices?
  • From High Gas Prices?

  • peharri
    Nov 27, 10:27 AM
    Oh, sure. But GNU/Linux could slowly introduce a standardized set of cell phone hardware platforms to build from, just like Intel and AMD and ATI (now a part of AMD, of course) and NVidia produce reference platform hardware that then anyone can make a compatible motherboard/daughter card from, what needs to happen is to have one particularly successful and particularly popular cell phone interface, and then (potentially) everyone would be clamoring to sell it to their customers.

    That would take a degree of cooperation and coordination I've never seen in that environment. There's also the not-so-small issue that there is, so far as I can see, no public, free-software, GSM, UMTS, or IS-95/AMPS stacks and someone would have to write one.

    ...in an environment where, as yet, they can't even run the software they write. Porting the Linux kernel to the iPod and Nintendo DS was relatively simple, Linux pre-existed, and it was Linux's built-in functionality - the ability to run GNU - that was desired. But a cellphone OS needs to, fundamentally, be a cellphone at the end of the process.

    high gas prices cartoons. Gas prices are starting to
  • Gas prices are starting to

  • XForge
    Aug 4, 01:45 PM
    Who voted negative????? You want it slower, eh? Give the man a G3! No, a 601!
    They can have my 500MHz G3 iBook, I'm nearly done with it.

    Ah, to be able to view movie trailers again.... siiigghhhh....

    high gas prices cartoons. OUTRAGEOUS high gas prices
  • OUTRAGEOUS high gas prices

  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 09:42 PM
    The iBook never went under $999. I barely call that a sub-$1000 laptop. But whatever you say. I'll agree that $999 looks better then $1000 though. :p

    All of these Blu-Ray fans scare me. Considering they're having trouble fabricating the 50 GB discs..Speaking of Blu-ray, last night NBC broadcast the pilot of Miami Vice in Widescreen HD along with shorts on the upcoming movie by Michael Mann. I mean this was a pristine Film Transfer to 1080i HD with incredible Dolby Sound. Then at the end they try and hawk 4x3 SD DVD sets of the first two seasons (22 episodes each) for $40 each. What an absurd offer after watching the pilot in HD. No way would I want go back and watch the rest in SD 4x3. We need either Blu-ray or HD-DVD to meet market demand for fare like this ASAP.

    high gas prices cartoons. Cartoon is titled
  • Cartoon is titled

  • amols
    Aug 4, 12:27 PM
    I think that depends on what Dell, Sony, Toshiba, etc, come out with. No way is Apple going to still be selling a 2.16 Core Duo at it's top end laptop when the PC makers have Core 2 Duo chips.

    Apple never was a part of Mhz rat-race. Look at its bestselling Powerbook. How fast was it compared to the then PC laptops. Anyways, WWDC is suppose to be developers conference, so we should speculate more about Leopard and hopefuly MacPros (because they are long due) insted of iPods and MBPs.

    high gas prices cartoons. less energy (gasoline) for
  • less energy (gasoline) for

  • Nuvi
    Nov 6, 04:36 PM
    OK so for the slower people why would you separate the GPS unit and mount when it is being used on a day to day basis? The TomTom mounts are so slim and there is no other use for the unit so there is no point to separate the two for storage. The iPhone is mainly a phone and i would need to separate the two on a regular basis.

    The entry level TomTom units have the slim dock but the more advance ones have the bulky active dock / or non active but still bulky ;) (5x0 - 9x0 series). There is no way you would want to carry around the more advanced units attached to the dock but if you can just leave the dock sticking on your windshield then this is not a problem.

    Anyway, iPhone has one undeniable advantage over the stand alone units and thats the ability to choose the software. However, the screen on iPhone is small and the features will probably never be par with high end stand alone units.

    high gas prices cartoons. high gas prices cartoons.
  • high gas prices cartoons.

  • esaleris
    Aug 11, 09:49 AM
    I think to the end user, the difference between Yonah and Merom is minimal.

    From a supply chain perspective, it is far easier to manage one SKU than multiple ones. You immediately half the number of CPUs that you need to stock by moving all mobile to Merom. And give the fact that some speculate the price between the two CPUs are minimal, and that Apple is a premium brand, it wouldn't be a far reach to see that it is quite advantageous for them to move onto better hardware and keep the price as is.

    It's a speed bump, if anything. Not something Apple typically makes a big fuss about, despite the fact we know it's two different cores. Yonah -> Merom is a far smaller ordeal than Merom -> Santa Rosa.

    high gas prices cartoons. Season for High Gas Prices
  • Season for High Gas Prices

  • wordoflife
    Apr 23, 04:35 PM
    Wow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)

    Aug 11, 11:52 AM

    I like it:D

    May 7, 11:18 AM
    It should be free. It's craptastic; painfully slow and full of bugs.

    Apr 25, 08:58 AM
    there's a big difference between the device knowing where it is/has been and that information actually being uploaded to "the mothership".

    Correct, and that's why Steve is telling the truth unlike the trolls pretending this is an Apple conspiracy. That file is stuck on your hard disk and goes nowhere. Delete it and you don't even have that (as I did months ago when this story first broke). I tried the mapping tool and it won't work on my machine because consolidated.db cannot be found. Yet my iPhone works just fine, and Location Services works fine too.

    Apple has never grabbed this information.

    Android, on the other hand, exists so that it can serve advertiser's needs. Apple has been Opt In, but Android is Opt Out, which means your data gets transmitted to advertisers by default. You bet they track you on Droids. That's the entire business model.

    Nov 3, 05:23 AM
    We (the Mac community) should not let the security industry get a toe hold in OSX.

    Fascinating. Organized anarchy.

    Mar 28, 09:37 AM
    Sort of relieved no iPhone 5 announcements, Im firmly bogged down into a 2 year contract.

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