четверг, 19 мая 2011 г.

wiz khalifa haircut

wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa haircut.
  • wiz khalifa haircut.

  • appleguy123
    May 2, 11:01 PM
    In I haven't read the rules yet, so there's a small chance that that might change.

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa haircut. wiz
  • wiz khalifa haircut. wiz

  • Scottsdale
    May 6, 01:02 AM
    I welcome this idea. Intel is a disgusting anti-competitive company that cannot play fair. Apple is forced to use Intel's chipset and IGP instead of Nvidia which may have lead Apple to a decision like this. ARM is the future as is iOS, so like it or lump it. The low end Macs would probably have ARM and others both ARM and Intel. I would also welcome a switch to AMD.

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa haircut mohawk.
  • wiz khalifa haircut mohawk.

  • Josias
    Sep 16, 08:56 AM
    Some people have requested more info on the res. independence thingy. I know Tiger has a manual way of Fonts settings and zooming, but with a DPI even a bit over 120, Tiger would really look bad.

    With resolution independence, you have the ability to scale anything up and down, thsu delivering evrything the size you want it, at a much higher resoultion, thus resulting in richer image and also the capability of showing 1080p on portables and viewing way larger pictures at full screen.;)

    That's pretty much all I know, but I'm sure there will be much more stuff awaiting us...:D

    wiz khalifa haircut. new wiz khalifa haircut.
  • new wiz khalifa haircut.

  • -aggie-
    May 3, 06:18 PM
    holy smokes these games are intimidating to play....

    here I am thinking the basic werewolves games were hard lol

    We�ve never had a game like this before, so you shouldn�t let this put you off.

    if we explore is that our move and then the villain makes his? Or if we pick a door would this be a way to avoid the villain�s traps, since he may have put one in the room we�re in?

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa hairstyle. wiz khalifa hairstyle; wiz khalifa hairstyle. Reach. Sep 19, 11:17 AM. - 2 CPU cores compared to 1 CPU core
  • wiz khalifa hairstyle. wiz khalifa hairstyle; wiz khalifa hairstyle. Reach. Sep 19, 11:17 AM. - 2 CPU cores compared to 1 CPU core

  • Justinf79
    Mar 30, 10:22 PM
    That's a shame. I'd like to get a 3rd party SSD but would prefer to wait till using TRIM with it is officially supported by Mac OS X.

    Yeah same here. Apple's SSD's are crap.

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa haircut. wiz
  • wiz khalifa haircut. wiz

  • jace88
    Jan 12, 05:56 AM
    Ouch that sounds bad but good thing I don't use Time Machine. I'm thinking of downloading/installing this on my MBA! Reviews on the net (e.g. CNET) make it sound quite good.

    wiz khalifa haircut. new wiz khalifa haircut.
  • new wiz khalifa haircut.

  • andrewbecks
    May 4, 03:57 PM
    How would one do a "complete fresh reinstall" by this method? Or will we be able to burn to a disc/USB key?

    I'm wondering the same thing.

    Personally, I'd rather not risk eating up my AT&T crappy bandwidth limit and would love to be able to pickup a USB-key in the store. It would also be necessary to have for fresh installs.

    wiz khalifa haircut. new wiz khalifa haircut. wiz
  • new wiz khalifa haircut. wiz

  • bradc
    Sep 11, 01:44 PM
    Just trying to hedge off the 5,123 "This is BS, no MBP/MB updates OMG!!!11BBQ" threads. ;)

    Gary you forgot the MacTower miss-spellings of 'Merom', how everything is pin compatible, everyone is an engineer/marketing/business pro and if anything does get released there is something wrong with it.

    pyramid6 wrote
    Why couldn't apple mail a movie to you via USPS? Pop it into your <insert favorite Mac flavor> and have it automaticly import into iTunes library. There is no way I would download a 2g file to watch a movie. 2g is way too big to download. Compare that to music, 5mb on the high end. 2g is 400 times the size. I don't see downloading as a viable option, atleast not at the resolution that makes it competitive with DVD.

    PS I think downloadable movies sounds great, but I don't think it is practicle.

    What rock are you living under?? A 5mb file is high end? Haha Why do you think the RIAA & MPAA are scared? It's soooooo easy to download music & movies illegally. Or look at YouTube, god knows how many 10mb videos are downloaded each second.

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa haircut. how to
  • wiz khalifa haircut. how to

  • ChrisTX
    Mar 27, 12:01 AM
    i want what the "reliable sources" are smoking.

    jokes aside, this is terrible. too long of a wait.
    and apple better not skimp my 4th gen touch on features, i want FULL iOS 5 support.

    Every time Apple has demoed a new version of iOS it has been on the current hardware prior to the release of new hardware.

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa hairstyle 2011.
  • wiz khalifa hairstyle 2011.

  • sachamun
    Nov 26, 12:23 PM
    Rather than a traditional laptop/tablet idea, I'm envisioning a small device that truly combines
    1. music/vid player
    2. cell phone
    3. camera
    4. osx capable computer

    If/when the tech is in place for something like this, it would be really appealing to alot of people, myself included. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of gadgets, something which really replaced all my current junk would be very cool.

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa haircut 2011.
  • wiz khalifa haircut 2011.

  • RalfTheDog
    Apr 7, 10:16 AM
    I see the short sighted Apple pom-pom shakers are once again giddy with excitement. The juvenile remarks are embarrassing.

    For some strange reason you think monopolies are good for consumers.

    When more than three people want to buy something that RIM makes, you will have something to complain about. When products just sit on shelves, are given away for free or BOGO, the supplies need to go to those who are selling every unit they can make and have people waiting in line every morning.

    Touch screens are at high demand. Why waist one on something that will not sell.

    wiz khalifa haircut. new wiz khalifa haircut. wiz
  • new wiz khalifa haircut. wiz

  • shadowx
    Sep 11, 01:23 AM
    I could care less about the Movie Store... or a video iPod... I just want to hear the following in the same sentence:

    "Core 2 Duo"; "Macbook Pro" ;)

    It likely will not happen on Tuesdsay, but I'm going to be very disappointed if it doesn't happen in the next few weeks... I'm not angry and I'm not a whiner - I'll just be a little disappointed, that's all.

    wiz khalifa haircut. new wiz khalifa haircut.
  • new wiz khalifa haircut.

  • kenstee
    Jul 21, 03:19 PM
    I'll get a MBP once Apple or someone else figures out how to make them work on an air flight. There is no Empower solution and the draw of 85w exceeds the juice (75w) that the seatside powerports provide. It's amazing this is even an issue in a "pro" line of portables - let alone from Apple. No 3rd party solutions solve this isssue.

    wiz khalifa haircut. people with wiz khalifa
  • people with wiz khalifa

  • milo
    May 4, 05:09 PM
    And there's been exactly 0% of Operating Systems sold on the app store. And 0% of stories that downloading Lion will be excactly like downloading every other app on the app store.

    That's almost verbatim just what I was about to say.

    The number of lazy, complacent, disorganized, people that "don't want a disc lying around, or "don't want to keep track of one, is just hilarious.

    Or sad, depending on how you look at it.

    I don't see what's so lazy or sad about choosing a download over having to go to a store or have a physical disk delivered. Seems like the smarter option to me. And no, I don't want unnecessary physical media cluttering up my space. But that's just the tip of the iceberg, I'm much more excited about the advantages of a download than just getting rid of the physical disc. Sure, I'll back up the copy but I'd much rather have the option to put that backup on a disk with a bunch of other material than have a bunch of shiny coasters lying around.

    so...for those who cant wait to see the dvd drive removed from the macbook(pro)/mini..etc...how would one burn it onto a dvd?

    You wouldn't, and you wouldn't need to. I'd much prefer having it on a USB stick.

    It would be nice to know more details.

    (1) How will users on other than FAST cable modems get Loin?
    (2) How can we make emergency backups? I've been in a number of places were downloading gigabytes of data was not a viable option.
    (3) Did this idea spring from the "mind" of the same genius who came up with the New and Improved Apple Discussion boards?

    It would be nice if people would read the article instead of just posting questions that are already answered.

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa hairstyle. wiz
  • wiz khalifa hairstyle. wiz

  • Piggie
    Apr 24, 07:00 AM
    In the not too distant future we will be getting convertible iMac's. You have all seen the patents that Apple have applied for, where the screen tilts into a more horizontal position on your desk and is usable as a touch screen device.

    When in this mode the screen will be a lot closer to your eyes and would greatly benefit from being higher resolution

    That really is such a bad idea :(

    Can you imagine the terrible usability in having a screen tilted on it's back and having to lift our arms up to do finger painting.

    Who wants to cover their display with their hands?

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa no sleep. wiz
  • wiz khalifa no sleep. wiz

  • Liam8
    May 9, 12:30 PM
    That would be great! Think of how useful it is! :rolleyes:

    wiz khalifa haircut. new wiz khalifa haircut.
  • new wiz khalifa haircut.

  • basesloaded190
    Mar 28, 11:21 AM
    The second update makes more sense.

    I agree, but why would they say that in the first place. Not everyone knows Apple's accounting cycle :rolleyes:

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa haircut mohawk. Wiz+khalifa+wallpaper+2011; Wiz+khalifa+wallpaper+2011. Eidorian. Jul 14, 05:21 PM. Given that this is easily available for the
  • wiz khalifa haircut mohawk. Wiz+khalifa+wallpaper+2011; Wiz+khalifa+wallpaper+2011. Eidorian. Jul 14, 05:21 PM. Given that this is easily available for the

  • slipper
    Nov 5, 01:57 PM
    It is cheaper to buy a standalone unit. But then you have to carry around 2 things instead of 1. For some people (including me), that is the major selling point of using the iPhone for navigation. I don't like bringing stuff with me when I travel. The more my iPhone can do, the less junk I need to take with me. It has already replaced my iPod and my laptop. If it can replace my Garmin too, I'm willing to pay extra to make it work.

    As for the apps that download maps on the fly, I'm not interested in those as my ONLY navigation solution. There are plenty of places I drive that don't have any cell coverage at all, let alone 3G. I want an app that has the maps preloaded. I haven't decided between the available apps yet, but I am leaning towards Navigon. If their traffic thingy works well, I'll most likely go that route.
    So i assume you will be carrying the TomTom mount and iPhone as one piece at all times? :rolleyes:

    wiz khalifa haircut. wiz khalifa haircut mohawk.
  • wiz khalifa haircut mohawk.

  • JAT
    Apr 20, 12:02 PM
    You're just screwing with me, right? Because this has nothing to do with what I actually wrote.
    Yes, the US is literally the entire world. There are no other countries, let alone other countries with 12-month contracts. Why, Sir, that would be inconceivable!
    I think it does. Obviously, so did others.

    Apr 7, 11:41 AM
    They only need like ~100,000.

    Hummm... maybe Motorola has some spare Xoom screens they could share with RIM? Oh... the size thing.... Hummm...

    The Tab! There should be about 1 million+ channel returns coming back on the TAB 1.0... Samsung may have some stock that RIM could work with? A little glue and tape and there you go! :p

    May 3, 10:42 PM
    Please Vote

    1) Does everyone agree that "Don't Panic" is the leader at the start of this game (his job is to send in our orders) ?

    2) Do we leave the room in two groups as per "Don't Panic's" suggestion ?

    I'll vote 1) Yes 2) Yes

    Ava's Meeshee
    Apr 20, 09:28 AM
    If this news is true, then there must be a total revamp of iOS. I don't mind if the look of the phone stays the same (even though a larger screen wouldn't hurt) but it's more what you can do with it. New notification system, maybe live icons, file system?
    I am hyped for the iOS event rather than the new fall iPhone event.

    WiFi sync is a big one. They too extensive use of their "Home Sharing Network" not to have it.

    Nov 22, 02:31 PM
    "We've learned and struggled for a few years here figuring out how to make a decent phone,'' he said. "PC guys are not going to just figure this out. They're not going to just walk in.''

    Oh fercrissake! These corporate types just never learn, do they? Remember when digital photography came along and Kodak said it was not worth the time to bother with? Remember when music stores and music player companies sat around and ignored the iPod and iTunes? Remember when Microsoft wasn't so sure about this new fad called the Internet?

    You either learn from history or you repeat it. If Apple unveils some interesting new take on the cell phone, these same guys are going to be crying foul over it, and yet they've had all the time in the world to prepare for it and--better yet--do something really innovative on their own. I hope Apple does pull off another iPod-style shake-up. I despise the way most cell phones are (over)designed and don't function the way you would expect. I'd love to see Apple come at it from their own design viewpoint and freak everyone out.

    Mar 28, 11:14 AM
    This better not happen. Seriously.
    Or else what?

    Several things. Apple's stock growth will slow, and the price will take a hit. Big deal? Maybe, maybe not. But I can tell you definitively that there is a large amount of padding in the price based on Apple keeping up with it's own defined yearly cycle. The successive cycle that has stayed strict through every iPhone, iPod, iPad, and iOS launch for 5 years has created a pattern that Apple must stick to, or risk losing ground in the mind of investors.

    No one ever expected/demanded Apple to go to a yearly cycle for such advanced refreshes, but they're the ones who chose to do it. If they now begin to fall behind, the growth they've seen WILL suffer, no ifs ands or buts about it.

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