вторник, 17 мая 2011 г.

solar powered cars diagram

solar powered cars diagram. solar powered cars diagram
  • solar powered cars diagram

  • LxHunter
    Nov 14, 01:14 PM
    Should I continue to use the free Sophos or switch to the ESET paid AV?

    On a iMac for business and home use.

    Thanks for any insight.

    solar powered cars diagram. Solar Powered Car From
  • Solar Powered Car From

  • maclaptop
    Apr 20, 07:26 AM
    Yet they will stay in line for two days to pay premium for it.
    Apple has one great thing.... a lot of quarter-brain organisms that pump $$ to their pocket.

    You are so right. I'm thrilled with Apple's brainwashed minions, and even happier that I began loading up on Apple stock over a decade ago.

    Little did I realize they would bring us shareholders so much wealth. To think that I bought a load of shares when it was under $20 per, then kept adding each year since, brings a huge grin.

    At this point everything I buy is nearly free. And when they screw up the masses still buy it. Nothing could be sweeter.

    solar powered cars diagram. [See diagram]
  • [See diagram]

  • steadysignal
    Apr 25, 10:25 AM
    Steve Jobs is a dick because I hate Apple. Android is open and I love open. I can open it. I can wigets. I can overclock the **** out of it. Apple is Closed. Hypocrites and Evil.
    And I'm 12. :rolleyes:

    hate is hate, at any age.

    solar powered cars diagram. solar powered cars diagram.
  • solar powered cars diagram.

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 11, 07:27 AM
    Only for those with a lack of understanding of basic math. Again, the problem is not the equation per say, it's the people that don't understand mathematics.

    Nobody uses / when writing down by hand (they do when programming on a computer- fine), or at least they shouldn't. It doesn't matter if / has a strict definition if it is not strictly enforced. I did a chemistry degree, and that obviously involves maths. Yet, if someone had emailed by an equation like this I would have asked for clarification, because I know they are thinking in terms of two lines (using ______).

    I'd say it is an assumption to presume that / literally means / in this case. The most likely scenario is it is only being used because this is a forum, in writing (or in proper software like LaTex) it would be written on two lines. The most logical answer is 288; however, I can't say what the original author intended.

    Hum, no it's not. Where did you this "clarity" from ? / is the division sign. Even if it is a fraction sign, 48/2 is the obvious fraction. Anything else requires assumptions and interpretations which have no room in mathematics.

    It's a joke. The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is 42. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Note the username is Don't Panic.

    What do you get if you times 6 by 9?

    solar powered cars diagram. alternative power hydrocar
  • alternative power hydrocar

  • adamchronister8
    Mar 28, 10:20 AM
    I don't see why this is such an issue. I would rather they wait until they feel the need to show new hardware instead of just throwing something out there to make the press happy.

    solar powered cars diagram. Circuit Diagram
  • Circuit Diagram

  • reflex
    Jul 22, 11:10 AM
    As soon as core 2 merom comes out every pc notebook will have it.

    This is simply not true. Even though Core Duo has been out for about half a year, a lot of pc laptops are still sold with Pentium-M or Celeron-M cpus.

    MacBook can keep the Core Duo for a while longer (until November, for example).

    solar powered cars diagram. Solar Energy Tips
  • Solar Energy Tips

  • LegendKillerUK
    Mar 27, 12:19 AM
    If true...sounds like iPhone 3GS and iPad 1 owners are going to be shown the door.

    Based on history the 3GS will still be in for updates along with the iPad. Performance on the other hand...

    solar powered cars diagram. Solar power cars are good for
  • Solar power cars are good for

  • yadmonkey
    May 6, 04:03 AM
    I'm surprised by the amount of resistance I'm seeing to this idea. I've assumed for a while that this move was inevitable. ARM procs will be fast, relatively cheap, cool, and energy efficient. Apple already has an OS for it which will see considerable convergence with the Mac OS in the near future. This will be a great move for Apple and for consumers, as was the move to Intel.

    solar powered cars diagram. Solar Power Auto Car Cool Air
  • Solar Power Auto Car Cool Air

  • Ed91
    Mar 31, 03:23 AM
    iCal has been visually overhauled to look like the iPad version

    At first I thought that this was awful. It doesn't really seem to fit with the rest of the OS, but then I realised that Apple is moving from an OS-centric view to an app-centric view, where the OS should be out of sight and mind.

    I hope this type of skeuomorphic design in Lion sticks to full screen apps, when the OS can't be seen.

    solar powered cars diagram. solar powered cars diagram.
  • solar powered cars diagram.

  • Minimum
    Apr 24, 08:25 PM
    I would love to see an ultra high-res display sold by Apple. If they sold a 4K display for 2 grand I would certainly bite. Couple an awesome 4K display with 2 next gen video cards and you have yourself the best gaming machine ever built.

    I can't wait. :D

    solar powered cars diagram. (Source: Solar Electric Power
  • (Source: Solar Electric Power

  • Multimedia
    Sep 16, 10:46 AM
    Ok people, how's this? I ordered a 17" MBP on Sep 8. I upgraded the ram and hard drive. It was supposed to ship yesterday, the 15th.

    I checked my order status today and the ship date has changed to October 2! I also received an e-mail from Apple stating that there were unexpected delays.

    I held out hoping for a C2D but broke down and bought on the 8th. I was all excited that it was going to ship yesterday. I don't even care so much about a C2D, I just want my Mac. But here's hoping anyway.Congratulations! You have just provided a second independent source of unnatural delay proving Apple is already manufacturing Merom C2D MBPs and that 17" models will ship behind 15" models by a week Monday October 2.

    solar powered cars diagram. Solar panels - solar power
  • Solar panels - solar power

  • Chundles
    Sep 11, 09:17 AM
    Can't wait, especially for photokina. Hopefully, that new Apple VideoCamera will make it's appearance. I need one so badly. My brother is having a kid and I need something youtube. Can't wait Can't wait.

    What new Apple video camera? I've not heard a single rumour relating to Apple releasing a camera. I think Photokina is just going to herald an updated version of Aperture and the updated MacBook Pro - if Apple do anything at Photokina at all. They may just be holding an information session.

    solar powered cars diagram. electricity to power a
  • electricity to power a

  • FreeState
    Sep 11, 03:40 PM
    What I expect is not much:

    Movie download service (with less than 100 movies, all current resolution of music video,s).
    Updated Nano and iPod (size of flash/hard drive on both updated).

    That is it. Thats all I believe we will see...

    What Id like to see but think it will come out later, before Christmas:

    A way to stream video to your TV
    A remote of some sort to control the stream.

    I believe that the movie service will not rely on new TVs or Macs. That would cut out way to many PC users and people that do not want to buy a new TV. If apple releases a Mac home center or TV I believe it will be after the movie service takes off - kind of like they did with the Apple branded iPod Hi-Fi, maybe January will see these.

    The multi-function device will be the phone, and I guess it will come out next year (January).

    But then again Im always wrong:) Here's to hoping Im wrong:)

    solar powered cars diagram. solar powered cars diagram.
  • solar powered cars diagram.

  • Bez
    Sep 11, 11:43 AM
    A wi-fi enabled NAS-box that sits next to your TV. It will be able to play files firectly to the telly, without your computer being on.

    It will be controlled by a thing that looks just like an iPod. This wi-fi device gives you access to your media, using an iPod-like menu structure. This remote tells the NAS-box what to play. Video is not streamed wirelessly, since that requires too much bandwidth. Instead, the NAS-box is connected directly to the TV.

    But the NAS box can also stream audio, via Airport Express, to hi-fis. Multiple strreams can be supported, and additional remotes can be added to the system to enable users in different parts of the house to listen to different things.

    You computer need not be on for all this to operate. Although it is needed for management and perhaps downloading.

    I know this because I emailled Apple a year or two back to suggest it. And its such an ace idea, I am sure they listened.


    (Edited for typos)

    solar powered cars diagram. Student Invents Solar-Powered
  • Student Invents Solar-Powered

  • bpaluzzi
    Apr 7, 01:22 PM
    Not really, this tablet looks very interesting, compared to the larger iPod Touch, oops, I mean iPad.

    2010 called, they want their ill-informed snarky comment back.

    solar powered cars diagram. solar powered cars diagram.
  • solar powered cars diagram.

  • rpenzinger
    Apr 21, 02:48 PM
    Not gonna happen

    totally gonna happen

    solar powered cars diagram. electric powered car
  • electric powered car

  • 2 Replies
    Apr 26, 02:42 PM
    Once again, the seperating into 'smartphone' and 'tablet' markets makes little sense.

    As the capabilities of both devices grow we'll soon find that the only difference between the two is screen size.

    Do we consider the 13" Macbook to be in a different market than the 15" Macbook Pro? No, they're both laptops.

    And thus, everyone will soon wake up and realize that ALL iOS devices should be compared against ALL Android devices. These 'smartphone only' lists may still make sense in but in 2 or 3 years these kind of measurements will be seen as worthless.

    Your argument is so inane it's barely worth a reply.
    You do realize that not all tablets require a contract, right?
    When it comes to laptops, the only thing that's different between a 13" and a 15" will be the screen size. But a tablet and a phone are INHERENTLY different.
    My android tablet is wifi only and serves a totally separate function from my iPhone, my windows laptop, my linux server-cluster or my HTPC.
    So why should tablets be dumped into the same category as mobile phones? Just because they share a slightly similar form-factor?
    What if the next trend in smart phones is a clam-shell form-factor? Or a wearable hud? Or some implantable device?
    Similar form factor does not mean their sales figures can, or should be compared.

    Apple's to f'n oranges.
    You're basically saying ... meh, they're both round and edible so they're the same.

    solar powered cars diagram. solar powered cars diagram.
  • solar powered cars diagram.

  • burningbright
    May 6, 06:21 AM
    I didn't think ARM's stocks would be so volatile.

    "ARM tumbles ahead of Intel 'breakthrough'", May 4 2011 (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/electronics/8493555/ARM-tumbles-ahead-of-Intel-breakthrough.html)

    solar powered cars diagram. Solar energy—power from the
  • Solar energy—power from the

  • Multimedia
    Aug 3, 08:55 AM
    > btw< the macbook pro im using runs at 2.33Ghz. :DI misunderstood the context. Sorry. It's Steve saying that in the SteveNote. My bad. :) :o

    Nov 20, 11:43 AM
    Received same response STATING THAT their eta is still 12/2 and they will shop same day they receive. Guess I will sit tight for now.

    Sep 15, 05:24 PM
    I am hoping for a new case design to keep the heat down!
    Lets keep our fingers crossed!

    Apr 21, 03:15 PM
    you have to admit the design of the Mac Pro isn't looking at all dated, I think thats quite impressive to say its based on an 8 year old tower design, which is still in existence in 2011. I dont think I could say the same for any PC vendor :P. Although to me most of Apple's stuff still looks in date years after launch, look at the Ti-Book & iMac G4 launched in 2001 & 2002 and still look ultra modern today, heck in 2004 I remember a lot of current PC's still being beige

    Mar 28, 11:20 AM
    I've been poking along with a 3GS since they came out. Really want to switch to Verizon. This rumor puts people like me in a serious pickle: keep waiting and waiting and waiting for iPhone 5 to come out this year, if it even does it all, or grab an iPhone 4 now - a phone that has been out for nearly a year - and get burned in a couple of months by a surprise iPhone 5 announcement in June?

    Here's what I did. I'm already a Verizon customer. I bought a new sealed iPhone 4 16GB out of contract for $450 on craigslist. I plan on re-selling the iPhone 4 for at least $250 when I get my iPhone 5. $200 is worth it to me to be on the iPhone right now for the next few months. Since January, I have had a sweet unlimited text/data promo plan on Verizon but wasn't taking full advantage of it because my old phones were so bad (env3 and palm pixi plus). With the iphone I feel like I am really using the services that i am paying for.

    May 6, 02:23 AM
    So many derpy comments that just have "omg my mac is gonna be an iOS device, toys toys everywhere "

    I seriously cant believe how some think Apple would just destroy itself by putting crappy chips for no reason. If they are going to put ARM in notebooks they have good reason for doing that, either they will be a better choice for the Air or maybe ARM has some serious power chips planned.

    u have no idea so stop hatin

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