вторник, 17 мая 2011 г.

real estate ads

real estate ads. client: Mack Hall Real Estate
  • client: Mack Hall Real Estate

  • justinLONG
    Mar 29, 10:56 PM
    I would not want to work in an american plant that manufactured apple products. could you imagine that?. there would probably be an apple union i'd have to join. :eek:

    real estate ads. real estate ads samples. above
  • real estate ads samples. above

  • mrkramer
    Apr 16, 01:04 PM
    And when money is in a bank, the bank can loan an entrepreneur money to start a business that hires people. If the money is invested, it will provide capital for a business to expand. If $1 dollar is consumed, one person can have a candy bar. If $1 is saved, $10 will go towards a small business that might provide a continual source of income and services for many people.

    but if nobody spends to buy that small business's product, how will it survive? Yes you need some saving, but spending is equally important. What we should have done was saved while the economy was going good and we could afford to have that money sitting on the sides and now that the economy is bad we should be spending to restart it. Of course the Republicans were irresponsible with their spending under Bush so now we don't have that money we should have saved to fall back on.

    real estate ads. real estate ads.
  • real estate ads.

  • paolo-
    Apr 9, 09:17 PM
    @ Mac'nCheese and Tilpots

    I think tilpots has shown that he understands the proper priority of operation but is simply stating the fact the this notation can lead to interpretation or at least doubt as to what is meant. I clearly see the answer as 288 and would consider 2 a wrong answer. But if you take it for it's face value, it has to be 288, write it down with � and X, instead, you'll end up with 288, and that's what should be meant. But I still think this is a ****** notation and a second set of parentheses would make it clear.

    Wow I should be studying way more complex stuff than this right now...

    real estate ads. Now that online real estate
  • Now that online real estate

  • iApples
    Apr 10, 02:42 AM
    Again, I'd like to warn people: this is not always true. Even if you enter it exactly as above, your calculator will not always give you 288. Some will give you two. Some settings may give you two. Don't trust a calculator blindly.

    Reset your settings to default and you'll get 288. I've tried it on 7 calculators that I've found around the house. 6 of them equalled to 288 and the 7th one equalled to 2. But that calculator did not have the numbers entered exactly as in the OP. Or you can go try it on Google. Google doesn't lie.

    Looks like your sarcasm is on par with you math. When you have to explain sarcasm, it's not really sarcastic.

    It must be on par with your math skills then. Horrible.

    real estate ads. Houses for Sale
  • Houses for Sale

  • -aggie-
    May 5, 07:32 AM
    So that I can have the pleasure of killing you in person. It's so much more enjoyable when I get to stand over you and watch the color drain from your face and the light disappear from your eyes.

    Awww... don't be so anxious, it's not all bad. I'll let you stay around by turning you into one of my zombie ghouls. That way you can welcome the next party of ill fated adventurers who dare to darken my doorstep.


    Well, where are you then?

    real estate ads. I have given NYC real estate
  • I have given NYC real estate

    May 4, 02:53 PM
    I dont think its going to be though the App Store. The only reason its thought he app store now is the minimise abuse.

    Anyway, what happens if you whole hard drive dies?
    What if you want to reinstall everything from scratch?
    There is just too many what ifs

    I think the should use USB flash drives rather then DVDs IF the flash drives are faster then the DVD

    The app store is for apps and not for a whole OS

    real estate ads. CHARLES REAL ESTATE CB

  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 06:19 PM
    They�re not making any assumptions. You are.

    The results of this poll are sad.

    What is my assumption?

    They are assuming that all the engineers know the right answer, and that math is a language that is the same all over the world.

    Cry then if it makes you sad.

    real estate ads. No Surprise: Real Estate Ads
  • No Surprise: Real Estate Ads

  • Multimedia
    Jul 23, 11:24 PM
    If the new macbook pros are only different in the chips, will there be a way to upgrade to core 2 duo if you have a previous macbook pros?No. Processors Are Soldered In MacBooks and MacBook Pros So No Upgrades Are Possible.

    The way you do the upgrade is by selling your current model and buying the next one. It's called rolling over your Mac for the next one. Some of us here have done it numerous times. It's not hard to get a good price for your used Mac. By doing this at the beginning of every update, it only cost you a few hundred dollars to move up each time.

    real estate ads. funny real estate ads.
  • funny real estate ads.

  • Don't panic
    May 3, 11:30 AM
    Hmm, interesting. I'm not eligible since I didn't play in Intell's last game, but this looks like fun.

    the rules look a tad restrictive in that.

    real estate ads. Real estate newspaper ad
  • Real estate newspaper ad

  • wizard
    Mar 29, 04:11 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Always looking at the negative side of things. Maybe a little radiation will lead to higher power densities.

    These jokes just aren't funny.

    It's too early for this. Maybe it will never not be too early for this, but please have some sensitivity for people who have friends/family/are themselves in affected areas.

    Actually, Japanese companies manufacturing products in Japan is extremely inefficient due to the high cost, and due primarily to protectionism and racial pride. The Japanese domestic market is known for being highly inefficient.

    Do you have any evidence for this?

    Who is joking here?

    A better battery is highly improbable. However if you only look at the dark side of an event you pass up any chance of benefitting from it. Certainly it isn't good to have your nukes melt down but this is also a learning opportunity. That is if people can look at what is happening objectively. If all you see is people getting irradiated then you aren't looking at the bigger picture.

    real estate ads. commercial real estate ads.
  • commercial real estate ads.

  • NutsNGum
    Mar 29, 04:21 PM
    I say, shoot 'em all and let God sort 'em out!

    real estate ads. Draws More Real Estate Ads
  • Draws More Real Estate Ads

  • Vice92
    Apr 10, 05:59 PM
    Math is a language we engineers, scientists, economists, etc... are fluent in.

    To us this is not-ideal delivery method, but it has a definite meaning.

    Looking at the thread, I think there is a clear dividing line. Native math speakers: scientists, engineers, programmers, etc... say 288. Others who are effectively non-native speakers may interpret 2 due to their lack of fluency.


    I don't see how you can say that. None the less how anyone can confidently answer this question.

    You arrive at 288 by multiplying 48/2 * (9+3), but that is assuming multiplication is the implied operator.

    The way the equation is written, this question simply does not make sense. Parenthesis or something similar are needed to make this equation solvable.

    You say you are fluent in mathematics, etc, but fluency requires proper syntax, which the equation simply does not have. If a professional gave me this problem to solve I would call them an idiot.

    real estate ads. real estate agent ads. having
  • real estate agent ads. having

  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 04:27 PM
    This whole discussion is stupid.

    Apple is not going to endorse a major company's ad program that encourages the general consumer to JB their phone. It's risky for many people and it voids the Apple warrantee. Period.

    Apple asking Toyota to pull it was the only thing they could do and Toyota was smart enough to see the error in their way.

    Sorry... but JB has risks and it's not for everyone.

    real estate ads. Ensuring your advertising is
  • Ensuring your advertising is

  • ovrlrd
    Mar 30, 07:23 PM
    So nobody has answered yet whether this requires you to reinstall Lion or if you just install an "update" through the Mac App Store somehow. I am not at home so I can't test it out myself yet.

    real estate ads. You#39;ve got real estate to play
  • You#39;ve got real estate to play

  • kre62
    Apr 18, 04:13 PM
    Call me crazy, but I think this might lend creedence to the thought that iPhone 5 will come out this summer...

    How are these connected?

    Well I've been thinking that Apple really wants to show the world, investors, etc, that it can still keep secrets after the i4 debacle last year. I think its possible they have changed suppliers in an atempt to stop the leaks. They might also be fueling the disinformation campaign that puts the 5 in October.

    The fact that they are now suing Samsung, and waited this long, might give validity to this theory, as they did not want to sue them while Sammy was still a key supplier for them.

    Something to think about.

    real estate ads. Advertising Real Estate
  • Advertising Real Estate

  • Poudresteve
    Jul 21, 02:17 PM
    This is not what I needed to maintain a productive Friday afternoon! My excitement level was already at "11" with new Mac Pro's coming out. I'll have to see what else I can cut out of the ol' budget to get all of these new toys... :D

    real estate ads. SHUWA Real Estate
  • SHUWA Real Estate

  • aixporter
    Mar 31, 08:51 AM
    It's been there since that last preview

    real estate ads. Industry : Real Estate
  • Industry : Real Estate

  • CellarDoor
    Aug 4, 01:58 PM
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?
    64bit OS & software on a 64 bit processor (especially a dual core) is much better at multitasking, for one.

    real estate ads. real estate ads examples.
  • real estate ads examples.

  • beg_ne
    Mar 29, 09:37 AM
    I wonder which genius at Amazon thought it was a good idea to make their cloud service work in the US only.

    If you don't have a US based IP address you are locked out of the system. Can't even sign up and see what it looks like. Also you can't purchase either mp3's or video from Amazon if you originate from a non-US IP address. Even if you have proper payment/billing information in the US.

    IMO their informational video is outright lying when they say you can access your files anytime and anywhere.

    Apparently in Amazonland anywhere = The US and ONLY the US.

    So if you get this setup in the US and travel to a foreign country your amazing, anywhere & anytime "cloud" storage magically goes away.

    Looks like Apple will have to step in and show these morons how it's done yet again.

    Apr 6, 02:38 AM
    Interesting indeed!

    Apr 25, 09:28 AM
    I think Steve Jobs is someone who doesn't suffer idiots gladly. Note how he didn't say "there is no list of locations on people's iPhones", what he said was "we don't track anyone". The opposite of "we don't track anyone" is "Apple is tracking some people's movements". Do you have any evidence of this? Do you _believe_ it?

    Just think about his statement. Then consider that 1. Steve Jobs is just slightly wiser and more intelligent than you and is more likely to have a clue what he is talking about and 2. Steve Jobs is the CEO of a major company and can't afford to lie in public.

    You are an anonymous poster on MacRumors. Steve Jobs is the CEO of a major company. You can say whatever you like. Steve Jobs can't. Plus whatever I said above.

    Well said.

    May 3, 02:35 AM
    There is a strong economic argument for completing the switch now in the U.S. as it can help promote more trade. With the current weak dollar this is a good time to make a stronger push for more exports. Having products with measurement units that already match those of most of the rest of the world reduces costs and enables more products to be exposed to the international market. This means that short term costs to switch should be a good investment for the country overall. U.S. consumers likewise can benefit from reduced prices for some products and a greater variety of products available.

    There are also benefits from reduced time spent on education of the outdated system and more natural proficiency with the newer more universal system. Students, scientists, and engineers in particular can have a more intuitive grasp of work done internationally and save time spent on performing conversions. This makes them more productive and competitive when compared to international colleagues. The cost in time and money for conversions of data and products is actually quite significant in certain industries.

    Aug 7, 05:47 PM
    3ghz Xeon = 80W
    2.66ghz Xeon = 65W
    2ghz Xeon = 65W

    Looks like the 2.66ghz Xeon is the best bang for buck and heat.

    Nov 7, 05:23 PM
    What if free Antivirus software is designed to help identify security holes, and the best way to infect Mac's wide-scale? I've always thought virii has to be engineered under contract by companies making the "solutions" to them, there are far too many virii out there on a daily basis, to such an extent that it has to be developed on a full-time basis with some corporate involvement somewhere. There are a lot more things to do for kicks these days, other than write malware, you'd think people have better things to do, unless there is money in making them..=]

    edit: Is there an infrastructure in place, to investigate whether or not anti-virus companies are involved in any way shape or form, with the development of malware? if not, then who keeps these companies in check to insure they aren't in any way involved with malware creation, to support their own industry? Sorry but any company that feeds fear and paranoia to sell or distribute their wares, needs to brought under check somehow.

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