суббота, 14 мая 2011 г.

new york state map with cities and towns

new york state map with cities and towns. Poland map includes cities,
  • Poland map includes cities,

  • roland.g
    May 4, 04:00 PM
    The entire idea of restoring from a Time Machine backup has always been illogical to me.

    If Time Machine backs up everything, then it backs up whatever problems you had that resulted in your need for restore.

    Time Machine has limited real use, and its basically limited to accidentally deleting things.

    Use TM for your Home Folder and things like that. Even Apps. You can always reinstall and update an OS. Don't bother TMing your OS.

    Indeed, which is why I also do a Carbon Copy Clone once in a while. Most people, for some reason, just use Time Machine. Maybe they never have encountered a catastrophic disk failure. Seems like a big risk to take.

    I use CCC but only to clone my external iTunes media drive to a clone of it set, incremental of course, so if anything gets deleted, the clone doesn't delete it. But I TM by internal drive to a separate drive.

    Internal 750 - OS, Apps, Docs, Photo Library, etc.
    External 2 TB - iTunes media drive - all movies, iOS Apps, Music, etc. Everything iTunes.
    External 2 TB - incremental clone of iTunes drive.
    External 750 - TM of internal drive.

    External 2 TB - Offsite, monthly backup of iTunes drive and TM drive. Because if there is a house fire or something, I have all the media, esp. photos and home movies on a safe backup.

    new york state map with cities and towns. Other cities, towns,
  • Other cities, towns,

  • ksgant
    May 4, 05:29 PM
    keep in mind, right now exactly 0% of the products sold on the app store will run without the OS already installed.

    I didn't know this. You mean I have to have an OS installed before I play Angry Birds?

    new york state map with cities and towns. Police Conference of New York
  • Police Conference of New York

  • powers74
    May 6, 08:12 AM
    So they can customize/design their own chips. I've been predicting this for years now.

    new york state map with cities and towns. Iowa State Road Map
  • Iowa State Road Map

  • peeInMyPantz
    Jul 30, 10:37 PM
    5 megapixel seems unrealistic for a cellphone camera right now, but it would sure be nice, I have a 1.3 megapixel camera on my phone, just because it's 1.3 megapixels doesn't mean it's good quality, how do we know that the 5 megapixel camera will be any better? could be as grainy or worse as a low end VGA/megapixel camera :( but knowing Apple, some people will pay a shiny red cent for high quality camera anyways (esp Apple fans)

    I disagree for inability to do texting, say if you are in a different country, where it costs say $3/minute just to call someone, or 50c just to send a text message (receiving is usually free), big difference if you just want to send a message of "I'm at the door" or "I'm leaving right now", I'm currently paying for long distance since I'm in a part of Canada that is not my home region, any time someone not from the area I'm in calls ME, I pay for it, and any time I call someone from home, I pay for it as well, so text messaging has really cut down on bills, I don't go over my minutes as much anymore with texting, since 90% of my calls were 1 minute or less calls, so thats where text messaging comes in handy. Although I would rather use a blackberry-like device with free email (if there was such thing, or have an email-only plan that doesnt require a data plan, like text messages)

    y not? there are already 6 mega pixels camera phones

    new york state map with cities and towns. This map is from the 251 Club
  • This map is from the 251 Club

  • LarryC
    May 6, 01:49 AM
    If my understanding of processor architectures are correct, the CISC processors have become a hybrid. There's a core part that is probably more similar to a RISC and a pre-processor that translates the CISC operations to the core. At least this was my understanding of the AMD Thunderbird chips from 10+ years ago. RISC chips moved in a similar and opposite direction, adding more instructions. Kind of counter to the original idea of RISC.

    Thank you.

    new york state map with cities and towns. NEW YORK ZIP CODE MAP

  • Silentwave
    Jul 22, 03:36 AM
    I'm with you -X-

    Doesn't the iMac use the same intel chip as the MBP? Why all the hoohah about an impending MBP release, when it might also mean an upgrade for the iMac - which hasn't been bumped since it's announcement in Jan?

    Now before I'm lambarsted because the iMac is not a 'pro' machine, I am a professional graphic designer and I am in the market for one.

    Bring on the merom iMac! :cool:


    There's actually been a bit of discussion about this for some time. The debate is whether or not Conroe will be in the iMac upgrade instead of Merom- the computer could probably handle it heatwise, and it would offer a better performance level: 2.4-2.67GHz with a faster FSB than merom.

    My thinking is that if they don't go Conroe now, it'll happen when the 800MT/S FSB Meroms require the socket change next year, forcing a new logic board for the imac anyways.
    I hope it comes sooner though, and with 4GB RAM capacity.

    new york state map with cities and towns. Home » Cities amp; Towns » Local
  • Home » Cities amp; Towns » Local

  • Chundles
    Aug 3, 08:58 AM
    How You Do Dat? :eek:

    Um, surely you're not that silly.

    He was giving a "SteveQuote" similar to the one from WWDC '05 along the lines of "Oh by the way if you look up here you'll see this whole presentation is running on Intel processors."

    new york state map with cities and towns. 1; Map. Home » Cities amp; Towns
  • 1; Map. Home » Cities amp; Towns

  • MacsomJRR
    Nov 27, 01:09 AM
    As a student I would LOVE to have a Mac tablet with a screen maybe a little bigger than an A4 sized piece of paper. It would be so helpful to be able to scribble notes down and I sure that Apple could come up with some fantastic and creative software for note taking and the like. It's exciting to think this could actually finally by happening sometime next year. Look for my MBP on ebay if this actually happens:):D

    new york state map with cities and towns. Many cities and towns impose a
  • Many cities and towns impose a

  • enquarius
    Nov 8, 04:11 AM
    I was at a local apple store and they are selling the tom tom car kit already. What a rip off, because you have to pay for the app seperate. I got the griffin car mount for $20 at frys and the navigon app, works great.

    new york state map with cities and towns. Metro wall map of using the
  • Metro wall map of using the

  • twoodcc
    Aug 2, 01:50 PM
    i can't wait!! and it's gonna be so hard buying a Macbook tomorrow and not being able to open it til the 7th!

    new york state map with cities and towns. cities, towns,click here
  • cities, towns,click here

  • milo
    Sep 11, 11:36 AM
    Except that under NetFlix, theortically (and I know people do this) you could get the DVDs, rip them, and send them back same day. Under a d/l scheme, you can only view the movies with a license. You only get, say 3 licenses. So you'd have to physically watch the movie, if you wanted to see it, before getting more. That would act as a brake on how many d/ls an avg. customer would make a month because most people only have time to watch 2-5 DVDs a month...if that. As for those who abuse the system, nothing to stop Apple from cutting people off just like Netflix does.

    Even if you rip the DVD's from netflix (or just watch them immediately and send them back), you're still limited by the speed of the post office. With unlimited downloads, you could watch three or four movies a day if you had time (I doubt most Netflix users are only watching 2-5 DVD's a month, if they do they might be better off renting normally). The "brake" allows much fewer with Netflix. And if you really promise "unlimited", watching a ton isn't really abusing the system, is it? Apple would have to either have a monthly cap or raise prices.

    Not to add onto the whining about merom notebooks, but I thought people a little while back were saying they'd be coming on the apple event on the 12th...:confused:

    That was before the invites were sent. They won't be at the event, but they'll show up in the next week or so.

    new york state map with cities and towns. District map, or to showing
  • District map, or to showing

  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 18, 02:55 PM
    Or what? You'll release the dogs? Or the bees? Or the dogs with bees in their mouth and when they bark they shoot bees at you?


    new york state map with cities and towns. Best Cities, Towns
  • Best Cities, Towns

  • marvel2
    Jan 13, 04:50 PM
    Not yet... I get a little beep and they are paired within a few seconds.

    I get that beep too, but after I MANUALLY pair the phone to the dock. I'm going to try to erase the TomTom Kit from the iPhone's BT paired devices and start from scratch.

    new york state map with cities and towns. It includes 2 cities, 16 towns
  • It includes 2 cities, 16 towns

    Jul 21, 02:47 PM
    With the more frequent processor changes/speed upgrades that goes along with switching to Intel, what is Apple going to do with all the "left overs" of old versions of products?

    new york state map with cities and towns. USA New York State Cities
  • USA New York State Cities

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 2, 11:23 AM
    I can't see the Cinema Displays having built in iSight. I mean sure, it's useful - but what about people who work in environments where you can't have cameras (i.e. some pros) what about people who have dual monitors etc...I can't see it being feasible.

    If you 'can't have cameras' dont use them. It doesnt matter if they are built in. And for people with dual monitors they will have... er... oh yeh two cameras :D

    new york state map with cities and towns. Home » Cities And Towns »
  • Home » Cities And Towns »

  • DakotaGuy
    May 6, 12:16 AM
    I was about to say, "What?! And lose the Windows compatibility they bragged on so much with the Intel transition? You're kidding me!", then I remembered that Windows 8 is also rumored (confirmed?) to run on ARM.

    This might actually happen..

    So I just bought a new 4 core Sandy Bridge iMac tonight and now this news breaks. Is ARM actually building anything in any way shape or form that competes with the Intel X86 stuff right now or is this just vaporware at this point?

    new york state map with cities and towns. Home » Cities amp; Towns » Local
  • Home » Cities amp; Towns » Local

  • Nuvi
    Nov 16, 02:09 PM
    It doesn't appear to be too good at dealing with Time Machine back ups (http://recoveringphysicist.com/17/did-sophos-free-a-v-for-mac-kill-my-time-machine-backups). Tread with caution.

    The issue is if you have virus or malware in your TM .sparsebundle and you try to get rid of it by deleting the file. First of all back up with virus or malware in it doesn't sound that great so one should transfer the important files from backup and start fresh with malware free backup. However, SAV shouldn't allow user to choose delete / disinfect if the problem is found on TM backup. It seems that Sophos is taking this issue very seriously and replying to users questions in general on their forums.

    Anyway, I've been running SAV in one of my Mac's since they released the free home edition and I have to say I haven't noticed any negative side effects. One big no no for me would be speed impact but in all honestly I haven't noticed anything. I do work in Final Cur Pro so any slowdown on tape captures would be easily noticed (dropped frames especially on uncompressed video).

    new york state map with cities and towns. Outline, parish maps, state
  • Outline, parish maps, state

  • KnightWRX
    May 4, 06:58 PM
    It's bootable (the, ahem, pirated versions of Lion are distributed as dmgs.)

    That doesn't mean the App Store version is. Only that the "pirated" versions are. They could have been made bootable after the fact.

    new york state map with cities and towns. New York state#39;s natural
  • New York state#39;s natural

  • Cougarcat
    May 4, 07:16 PM
    I think Apple is doing it this way to cut down on the ability to make hackintoshes.

    No, they are doing it to make installations easier. You can already install Lion on Hackintoshes.

    Not to mention why would I want to waste space on a recovery partition anyhow ? ;)

    It's not huge...792 MB. Handy for the times your boot drive isn't around. But I could see why you wouldn't want it on your air--every bit of space counts on an SSD.

    May 6, 12:46 AM
    This is about the dumbest thing I have ever seen on MacRumors.

    It's not April Fools, right?

    Mar 29, 03:59 PM
    Globalization is a race to the bottom, and nobody seems to understand that while the 3rd world rises up, the 1st world inevitably must slide down.

    You left out a crucial fact.

    The 1st world may slide down but not the top 0.5% of the 1st world. In fact the wealth of top 0.5% in the 1st world will keep doubling every few years because of the rise of the 3rd world.

    It happens because of more demand (from 3rd world) for goods made by the companies the top 0.5% in 1st world own while the cost for making them will stay low, thanks to outsourcing manufacturing (and increasingly service industry) to the 3rd world.

    Awesome deal I must say, for those in the top 0.5% in the 1st world.

    Aug 2, 07:24 PM
    Let's face it, it's going to be pretty hard to get excited about new computer hardware from Apple going forward, at least until we see something revolutionary in display technology (Apple has some pretty wild patents pending, so this is a possibility). The machines will get faster on a regular schedule now. I think boring and predictable from the perspective of processor power increases is a welcome change in the Mac user world.

    Here is what I think would be exciting from Apple:
    - A cell phone that doesn't suck. Oh, and include a PDA that can run Blackberry and Palm apps, but has a better core OS and interface. Oh, and make it an iPod when you flip it over.
    - Leopard is a complete mystery. They've kept the lid very tight on any news about its features and improvements. I think we will see dramatic speed increases (benefits of the new kernel API introduced in Tiger plus Intel compilers). Please, Apple, beat MS to market with a resolution-independent interface. How about developer tools that make it far easier to migrate Windows apps to the Mac - that would be huge. I mean, the Mac OS is complete; you can make it lot more performant and tweak the interface a bit, but that's about all. Apple needs to focus on developers and developer mindshare like a laser beam. As Monkeyboy Ballmer says (sweating profusely and foaming at the mouth), "DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS!"
    - iChat AV for Windows. They have the best consumer video conferencing software out there. Get some traction for iChat before Vista comes on the scene and its solution becomes the standard.
    - iCash - Intuit has not kept up with the Windows version of Quicken (haven't seen the 2007 version) and it's just a really weak app. How about some money management software that rocks? The home market is huge for Apple and that is one of the most important apps for adult home users.
    - .Mac is weak. Sorry, it just is. It seems like there is so much more they could do.

    Aug 11, 02:21 PM
    The iMac was the first to go to intel.

    I'm holding off for the new MBP because from what I've seen, the current ones still have issues. It was Apple's first Mac to go to Intel, and although they've made some changes, it's still "first generation". I'm hoping the next revision will have more than just a processor upgrade.

    Correction, your both wrong...they both went intel at the same time, January 12, 2006

    Mar 29, 05:57 PM
    Sounds very subjective when you give no cost of living comparisons.

    The cost of living in Japan is very comparable to that of the United States. VERY. And I speak from experience, having lived both in rural and metro America as well as rural and metro Japan.

    And you are the one who brought up "happy" employees. How do you objectively measure "happiness"?

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