вторник, 17 мая 2011 г.

magic kingdom orlando map

magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom map orlando.
  • magic kingdom map orlando.

  • MrNomNoms
    Mar 31, 04:13 AM
    I really hope they deploy some form of full screen iTunes in this build. Would be nice to see.

    Given how iTunes straddles Windows and Mac OS X I wonder what they will be doing given that a fair chunk that iTunes relies on will have to be portable to Windows. From what I understand AV Foundation has pretty much replaced the parts that QTKit doesn't provide which leaves me wondering whether they'll throw in the towel in the case of iTunes/QuickTime in favour of moving to AV Foundation for the long run.

    I lol'd. No matter what people will complain. When Snow Leopard was released people wanted more UI changes and more features. Now when Lion is released all people want is under the hood improvements. SMH

    People are never satisfied or they confuse the terms; when people want more 'under the hood' changes and you ask what they mean by that they'll say something that seems to contradict that very idea. For example, they'll demand a Finder feature but wouldn't that feature be classified as 'visible' rather than 'under the hood'? Oh well, I read through the comments and my emotions go from excitement to rage then to indifference - the clueless commenters will remain clueless and me getting into a tizzy isn't really going to change anything in the long run so instead I sit back, chill out and listen to some music.

    Always been confused as to why the menu bar across the top is slightly transparent but window title bars are grey. Doesn't really match, but I guess I'm just knit-picking...

    Then don't have a transparent menu then (I have it disabled) - I've always seen the whole idea of a transparent menu as something that is pointless and could never quite get my head around as to why it was enabled by default in the first place.

    Given that Apple sold over 4 million Macs last quarter, that must equate to around $7 billion in revenue. Macs still make up around a quarter of Apples revenue, so while iPhones might be where the most money is coming in, Apple can't ignore $7 billion per quarter...

    Of course but people keep ignoring that this 'focus' on smart phones isn't something driven by Apple but something that is driven by the media; Microsoft is getting a heap of focus on its Windows Phone 7 but the lack of talk regarding Windows 8 suddenly means that Microsoft has given up on the desktop? RIM has released the PlayBook - with all the marketing buzz around the PlayBook does it suddenly mean that they've stopped caring about the BlackBerry?

    Apple has always been focusing on Mac OS X - the problem is that the lack of communication via some sort of regular videos or blogs in the case of Microsoft does with Channel 9/MSDN has led people to fill in this void with idiotic speculation by claiming that Apple has given up on the desktop. As far as I am aware there has been only one time when Mac OS X shipment was delayed with the rest being released ontime.

    As for people whining about their applications and Mac OS X 10.6 - I read through Macsurfer and it is amazing the number of idiots who complain about problems but never actually spend the time to find out that Adobe has articles explaining for example that in the case of Mac OS X 10.6 you no longer use the PDF printer but instead create PDF's through the drop down menu found in the printer dialogue or that the issue relating to fonts in 10.6.7 has nothing to do with 10.6.7 and everything to do with having to clear ones font cache then rebooting. All these problems that people point to as Apple neglecting is ignorance.

    Oh and spacemanspifff, please, use Google, the solution has already been provided - talking about ancient problems hardly bolsters your case. Yes, a solution posted 12 or so hours ago is ancient - keep up with the play.

    You (and others) are aware that "Developer Previews", when available, have always predated the Beta releases? It's not even a beta.

    Apple says they will release Lion in summer, only Dev Previews have appeared so far, and suddenly people think it plausible for Apple to release a GM build in March?

    And btw, I'm really disappointed in the reporting of the ludicrous "GM" rumour as it's pretty obviously wrong - usually MacRumors curates their news better than this.

    The summer in the US is from June to September so it can be released anywhere from June through to September. I'd say that at the earliest we'll see a GM build (or at least very much a build very-very-very close to GM) appear at June (WWDC will probably be the place where it will be shown off in all its glory) with the shipping probably August thus leaving a month to manufacture and distribute internationally plus any extra training required for staff (although staff training is probably happening right now).

    magic kingdom orlando map. Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom
  • Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom

  • Sedrick
    Mar 27, 10:42 AM
    There is just so many things wrong with storing all your own music in 'the cloud' that it boggles me there's still fools who think it's a great idea.

    Enjoy paying larger data fees to access your own damn music while drinking that Kool-aid. Everyone involved in this scam (but you) will be laughing all the way to the bank.

    This is clearly an answer to a question no one asked.

    magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom orlando fl.
  • magic kingdom orlando fl.

  • Glen Quagmire
    Aug 5, 10:28 AM
    My predictions:

    * general update on how stuff is going.
    * quick demo of some new development tools.
    * preview of Leopard (with DVDs available to attendees).
    * Mac Pro.


    * XServe.
    * New Cinema displays.


    * A new model Mac that slots between the iMac and Mac Pro.

    magic kingdom orlando map. Orlando Area Attractions Map
  • Orlando Area Attractions Map

  • Avicdar
    Jul 29, 09:11 PM
    I can see the crafty photoshop composites now...a keypad from this funky german gadget, a display from an old star trek episode, a set of floating M&Ms stylized as hot buttons...

    there we go!

    magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom map orlando.
  • magic kingdom map orlando.

  • hawken1
    Jul 29, 09:54 PM

    I haven't seen this before but I guess it's old news?
    Looks pretty cool anyway..

    magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom map orlando.
  • magic kingdom map orlando.

  • Plutonius
    May 6, 09:59 AM
    Just waiting to hear from Aggie if he will temporarily form his own group as per "Don't Panic's" plan to get back to the starting room.

    magic kingdom orlando map. map of magic kingdom orlando.
  • map of magic kingdom orlando.

  • Skika
    May 4, 03:07 PM
    Thank god. I knew Apple know what they are doing. I am happy to be a part of the future. Optical disc media has to be 1tb per disc to be of value.

    magic kingdom orlando map. map of magic kingdom orlando.
  • map of magic kingdom orlando.

  • ThunderSkunk
    Apr 25, 10:46 AM
    I like Steves sense of brevity.

    Perhaps if people bothered to look up some info on what they were talking about before they went off half-cocked about the latest hyped paranoia...

    magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom map 1971. disney
  • magic kingdom map 1971. disney

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 6, 08:25 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    The jailbreak haters make me laugh. My phone works just fine and while I do use a bit more memory, it's perfectly stable and I get a phone with far more utility. Any resultant perfomance issues are so negligible stock is not even competition.

    I understand some people bite off more than they can chew when they JB. I also know that scenario doesn't apply to everyone.

    While I am not a jailbreak hater (do as you please:-), I am wondering why people buy a product that is not perfect for them and then change it.

    My point is that if it works fine, but if it doesn't work don't go and blame Apple or use their services for FREE to restore your messed up device.

    I have been able to help people restore several JB ipods (kids in school).
    Most of these were about eye candy or screen looks, wallpapers.
    Something I don't need, but to each her/his own.

    I liken JB to somebody buying a car and then going under the hood and change things in the way the motor works, so they can add boosters, compression changers, modify valves and ignition features or similar stuff.

    When it then croaks out they blame the car manufacturer.

    Always blaming somebody else seems to be the norm a lot these days.

    Luckily JB people can restore their devices. If that was not possible JB would not be happening.

    Maybe Apple should be looking into blocking restoring? I am sure they can come up with a way that JB would be recognized.

    magic kingdom orlando map. disney magic kingdom orlando.
  • disney magic kingdom orlando.

  • darrens
    Aug 4, 07:47 AM
    I might be excited about this if the chips would run Adobe and Macromedia programs.

    Isn't that what Rosetta is for :p :D

    Hardly Apple's fault. Apple has managed to transition all it's apps - Adobe is certainly dragging their collective feet.

    magic kingdom orlando map. map of magic kingdom orlando.
  • map of magic kingdom orlando.

  • keviano
    May 7, 10:23 AM
    I've heard similar rumors about MobileMe going free. Makes sense if Apple could leverage the new iAd system to generate targeted campaigns, and effectively subsidise the cost of opening the system up to more users.

    It would also pave the way for multiple cloud-based user accounts for the iPad.

    magic kingdom orlando map. Visiting the Magic Kingdom in
  • Visiting the Magic Kingdom in

  • timmillwood
    Nov 26, 06:14 PM
    and of course there will need to be a built in iSight

    magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom map orlando.
  • magic kingdom map orlando.

  • smulji
    Mar 30, 10:53 PM
    WOW. In my years of OS X development and beta releases, this is the first time I believe Apple has released a developer preview with little to no beta releases, and pushed right into a half arsed possible GM build without the numerous beta's for 10.X refinements. For developers and companies who have been accustomed to Apple pushing bi-weekly beta's as the GM release approaches. This may not bold well for developers and companies transitioning their products/applications in time and with little "bumps" in the road.

    This also makes me believe Apple has certainly, finally, officially drawn a line with regard to their main focus: iOS. It truly is about mobile devices for Cupertino, with iPhones and iPads and numerous iOS beta releases that have pushed OS X off center stage since Leopard. Gone are the excellent days of a dedicated LCD display line with three size variants, gone are the days when desktop PowerPC towers were affordable, and soon the professionals who spent thousands of dollars and hours investing in Mac products for their work will be pushed out the door for the general mass consumer. This is a sad sign for us, for those that supported a struggling yet profitable Apple dedicated to professionals, consumers, quality products and improved operating systems.

    That could be what Steve Jobs was alluding to when during the iPad 1 release in 2010 he said that Apple was the world's largest mobile devices company. Then later that same year during one of the financial conference calls Tim Cooke said people should refer to Apple as a mobile company. Just a theory.

    magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom orlando fl. like
  • magic kingdom orlando fl. like

  • cyberone
    Nov 22, 11:20 PM

    I went through 8 - eight - treo 650, because the hardware quality was so poor, not to mention the constant resets.

    now, imagine, i have a phone without a reset button. no, its not a palm device.

    and i bet the iphone wont have a reset button.

    your phones were decent - compared to the competition - three years ago with the announcement of the 650.

    others have long overtaken you. and you have no answer.

    I bet you cant wait to see that iphone and realize what you've all missed.

    magic kingdom orlando map. disney magic kingdom orlando.
  • disney magic kingdom orlando.

  • NoNothing
    Apr 7, 10:42 AM
    Wow I'm suprised that people. Are saying it sucks before its out. Could anyone tell me why excatly its a bad product. Seems that it will be great for enteprise with the bb bridge.

    The sad part is its lack of focus. The Playbook has, what might be, the best real time OS ever put on the market. QnX is really kick a$$.

    RIM is killing it with no idea what to do with it. Program with Air, Flash, Android, C, C++, Java, the kitchen sink.

    If it runs Android Apps just OK, will anyone bother to write real apps for it? Instead of having 200 programming APIs on the thing, RIM should get a native email client.

    magic kingdom orlando map. Disney Magic Kingdom Orlando
  • Disney Magic Kingdom Orlando

  • LoganT
    Mar 27, 10:29 AM
    There are already multiple iPads.....18 of them to be exact. Why would u think Apple would want to add to this already rediculous number. This whole idea about a iPad pro line needs to stop. It doesn't make sense. It's only 2011. Want an iPad pro.....get an AIR.

    There's 18 different models of the same iPad.

    An iPad Pro would have different hardware.

    magic kingdom orlando map. cinderella-castle-magic-
  • cinderella-castle-magic-

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 26, 03:30 PM
    You don't hear about Ferrari and Porsche worrying about their market share. Neither should Apple. Let the other guys squabble in the lower end of the market leaving Apple to continue to deliver a premium product and user experience.

    Fiat owns 85% of Ferrari.
    Volkswagen owns 49.9% of Porsche.

    magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom map orlando.
  • magic kingdom map orlando.

  • valkraider
    Apr 26, 03:02 PM
    Except that each and every single person who has purchased an Android phone could have purchased an iPhone instead. The fact there is one Android phone or ten Android phones is irrelevant. Every one of those people could have chose to buy an iPhone. They didn't.

    Only true in the sense that every Honda Fit owner could have chose to buy an Audi R8 but didn't.

    Not every Android device is purchased. My brother has one only because IT WAS FREE (and he has no clue how to use even 10% of the functions). He has never once purchased an app.

    magic kingdom orlando map. magic kingdom map orlando.
  • magic kingdom map orlando.

  • Silentwave
    Sep 11, 12:26 AM
    IF that TiVo rumor is true, it will be a dream come to life!

    Proud owner of a Mac....and a Tivo w/DVD burner.

    Mar 29, 07:22 PM
    I like the competition, and the cloud concept is definitely promising, but I don't think this is a solution I want. Call me pessimistic, but I don't want to rely on another entity for access to my own information. I don't want to store all my music and movies "in the cloud" and hope there is no complications. Rather, what I want is to be able to access my home computer via the cloud, but if all else fails, it's still saved on my home computer, not some remote server I can't access

    Sep 15, 04:20 PM
    MBP updates? About time too!

    Aug 7, 02:25 PM
    Well a really fast computer at a reasonable price that you don't have to wait months for? I'm pinching myself before I make the call and order one. The idea that this could be what the original dual 2gig G5 that I (and a lot of other people) waited months for and really was kind of a ho-hum experience updating from a dual 800 quicksilver. Just playing around with a dual core iMac and being impressed says "this has got to be the one". The promise that they made for the G5 and didn't come across with. I would really like to play around with one of thses and say WOW!, not try to remember if it opened Photoshop faster than my quicksilver or not. 4 X 2.66Ghz Woodcrest�oughta do it!

    Apr 10, 06:29 PM
    What is my assumption?

    They are assuming that all the engineers know the right answer, and that math is a language that is the same all over the world.

    Cry then if it makes you sad.

    It has nothing to do with being an engineer. And yes, math is a language that is the same all over the world.

    Aug 4, 12:13 AM
    AnandTech to the rescue!

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