четверг, 19 мая 2011 г.

love you more than anything

love you more than anything. love you more than anything
  • love you more than anything

  • TalonFlyer
    Nov 20, 08:55 PM
    It works, it's expensive and it's NOT a great value!!!

    I have used my new car kit for a few days and I'm a little disappointed with a few aspects of the device. My iPhone snaps in fairly well and it's easy to rotate. The articulation of the mount is not as desirable as it appears in the advertisements. The rotating lock that suctions it to the window is fairly good. The over all feel and quality of the device seems fair to good, however it should be priced about $30-$40 less to be a good value.

    The hands-free works, however it appears that it is not duplexed so road noise and vibrations seems to be causing the device to VOX (switch off the speaker when you are talking). I have mixed feelings with the few calls I have made so far. Looking like it may not be a good hands-free device.

    It uses Bluetooth to connect the hands-free and not the GPS. I was hoping to be able to use the bluetooth to connect the GPS to other devices and apparently that is not possible. I was also hoping that I could use the hands-free if not docked. You can't, must dock to connect the bluetooth hands-free. Does not make any sense.

    Also, they forgot about the voice control that can be activated with a bump of the answer button on most headsets. The volume button, if you push it, sometime brings up the voice control, however it is well behind the iPhone and not easy to hit while the phone is docked. Why is this not more accessible?

    Would have been nice to have a button to start and stop music, like my 5 year old bluetooth headset. Maybe next to the other missing button.

    When in horizontal mode the weight of the iPhone and the slightest bump in the road or touching the device will cause it to rotate almost vertical. This is because the swivel is not centered and the iPhone is side heavy. Seems that the resistance force of the swivel is a few ounces to light. You also must remove any cover you have as there is no room for anything except the iPhone itself.

    They don't support the iPod touch and now they are coming out with a iPod specific mount, it has even less value because I can't use both devices on the same car kit.

    Here is how I grade the Car Kit (1-10):
    Mounting: 8
    Rotation: 7
    Articulation: 3
    Hands-Free: 4 (Weak, speaker is facing away from you, VOX'ing problem)
    GPS: 6 (Only very slightly better that the built in GPS)
    Compatibility: 3 (Can't use iPod Touch)
    Bluetooth: 2 (Phone will not pair until docked, can't pair with other devices)

    Overall it's a $79.00 retail mount with a questionable hands-free, only a small incremental change in GPS accuracy and a useless bluetooth implementation. I'll give it a generous 5 out of 10 for now.

    Cost: 119.00 plus Tax, $40 is a donation to the cause.

    That's my 2 cents worth that cost me a Benjamin and then some.

    Update: I tried the car kit in different vehicles and in different Major cities with the same result. After exchanging my car kit and found no improvement with the hands-free, I decided to return it for a full refund and wait for the Magellan and see if it is any better. I called TomTom and it took over an hour to get someone on the phone and they were no help at all.

    The service rep said "Well it appears that your unit is still in warranty", after I stopped laughing I asked her if she was familiar with the product. This just shows that TomTom does not have it together at all for the US market and I am so glad I didn't waste a hundred bucks on the APP.

    My new rating is a 3 because the iPhone looks great when mounted.

    TomTom = RunRun!

    love you more than anything. Darling, I love you more than
  • Darling, I love you more than

  • Yebot
    Sep 11, 02:23 AM
    I prefer to rent movies. I rarely buy DVD's. That said, I'd like to see a rental option added to Apple's Movie Store.

    Music is a different story. I prefer to own music.

    love you more than anything. i love you more than anything
  • i love you more than anything

  • rmwebs
    Apr 21, 05:02 PM
    How is the so-called "Pro" market larger or more worthy than the IT/enterprise market? "Pro" users didn't sustain the Xserve sales any more than enterprise. Xserve was not just a server box.

    I manage 600+ Mac workstations, and I can do so from 2 or 3 Mac OS X Servers, using services which are either not available or impractical to build and maintain on Linux and Windows, such as NetBoot, MCX and Apple SUS. Our "Pro" users would be single digits.

    Go back and read my post please...thoroughly.

    I am referring to the wider market. Sure, you manage 600+ Mac workstations. But on the grand scale of things, thats not worth anything to Apple.

    Put it this way:

    Why spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on redevelopment for an audience of, lets say 50,000 customers when you can spend the same amount on an audience of 1million+ customers. See my point? The server market for Apple is clearly not worth it. Yes, it sucks big time for people like yourself who rely on it, but at the end of the day Apple will focus on products that bring in cash, not products that break even at best.

    love you more than anything. I love you more than anything
  • I love you more than anything

  • ariza910
    Aug 11, 12:43 PM
    Yes, actualy all the worlds puppies will die

    Everyone waiting on the Core 2 Duo MacBook needs to get a clue.

    It's the same folks who were falling over waiting to WWDC to come so they could order their Core 2 Duo MacBooks after the keynote!

    Apple IS NOT going to move the MacBook to a Core 2 Duo until they've updated:

    1) MacBook Pro

    2) iMac

    3) Maybe even Mac Mini, since it's been out forever!

    The MacBook is barely three months old. It may get a speed bump and/or price cut soon, but won't get a new chip.

    All of you saying Apple has to upgrade it to a Core 2 Duo to complete with Dell, HP, etc - why? Why do they HAVE to? Will they explode if they don't? Will the sun stop shining? Will all the world's puppies die?

    Of course they'll upgrade it eventually. That doesn't mean it needs to be upgraded as soon as the chips are available. If you look at other PC maker's sites, most of their machines don't even have the Core Duo chips yet; there's no rush.

    You can't claim Apple will inevitable act a certain way now that they're on Intel chips; you don't know that. They have no history of using Intel chips. Just because your bright minds think it would be a good idea to move the MB line to the latest and greatest chip whenever a new one is released by Intel because "that's what the other guys are doing," it doesn't mean Apple agrees with you.

    What we DO know for a fact is Apple like to differentiate between consumer and pro lines, and Apple has never been one to put the latest chips into the iMac or Mac Mini level machines - and I don't see either of that changing.

    love you more than anything. i love you more than anything.
  • i love you more than anything.

  • Don't panic
    May 4, 05:23 PM

    well then, its a majority decision.

    R2T2: we move to the next room across the hallway

    love you more than anything. rules I love you more than
  • rules I love you more than

  • ender land
    Apr 10, 11:39 AM
    Please go back and read my previous posts.

    Oh wow, your previous arguments about how "because spotlight says 2 therefore it is true no matter what" are just so convincing!

    love you more than anything. i love you, more than anything
  • i love you, more than anything

  • Daveoc64
    May 4, 03:08 PM
    Is everyone missing the "Preferred" in the headline of this thread? Preferred does not me "only" or "required" or "mandatory."

    We're not yet at the point where digitial distribution is a feasible option for everyone, but Apple needs to take the steps towards it now before the rest of the industry passes by.

    My opposition to this isn't because I think Digital Distribution is bad (the copy of Windows 7 I'm writing this on was downloaded, legally I might add, from Microsoft), it's because of how Apple is offering it.

    I was able to download a .iso of Windows and install it how I wanted to. I was able to back up the .iso to an external hard drive and also to burn a copy of it.

    The App Store (unless they change things) wouldn't allow that. I would have no problem with this if Apple included a way to create a DVD or USB installer from the download.

    love you more than anything. Because I love you more than
  • Because I love you more than

  • MorphingDragon
    May 6, 06:15 AM
    There are indeed dual processor laptops. SPARC.

    Because SPARC is current x86 technology. ;)

    love you more than anything. i love you more than anything.
  • i love you more than anything.

  • rmwebs
    Apr 21, 03:56 PM
    Funny to see you are basing a $4000 computer purchase on a $79 piece of crap-KEA furniture - LOL. I'm with you on Yea Apple!

    Nothing wrong with a good ol' bit of Ikea furniture...as long as you stick with the higher quality (I.E non particle board) stuff they are decent...minus the assembly instructions...they should be burnt!

    love you more than anything. this “I love you more than
  • this “I love you more than

  • Tones2
    Apr 26, 02:33 PM
    If in fact Apple waits until September for the iPhone 5 and even then only have a speed bump and a slightly better camera, this picture is only going to get worse. They need 4G, a larger screen, a microSD slot or a bump to 64 GB, a USB input, and the rest of the MODERN hardware features that HTC phones are putting out almost monthly.

    It's NOT about the OS - who the heck cares. The OS is transparent at this point. They are close enough not to make a difference. And the Android app market is catching up tp the iOS app market at least in terms of bigger name quality apps (not so much the 10,000 iOS fart apps out there), and that difference is shrinking all the time.

    It's all about hardware now - and the iPhone is currently woefully behind -and probably will remain until mid next year.


    love you more than anything. love you more than anything in
  • love you more than anything in

  • grassfeeder
    Apr 26, 02:06 PM
    so much for going heavy after the enterprise market

    love you more than anything. i love you more than anything.
  • i love you more than anything.

  • abrown2
    Nov 24, 12:49 AM
    I think the iPhone is going to be awesome! Since when can apple not jump in? Where did iTunes come from? That was almost instant! The iPhone should be equipt with similar programs such as iTunes and iPhoto. What I want to see is a 35" HD Television come out by Apple!

    love you more than anything. I love you more than anything
  • I love you more than anything

  • archipellago
    Apr 26, 04:29 PM
    What makes a product "Best" in its category is defined by different people differently. For some people "best" is a free phone because they can't afford anything else. Some people pour over the specs and select the "best".

    For me, "best" is the phone that operates the most intuitively to my way of thinking. I want something that I don't need to refer back to the manual to use its features. My Android Incredible came with a 8" x 11", 73 page manual that I need to use to operate the phone... that fact speaks volumes to what separates the Android from the "best."

    or perchance your overall level of intelligence..?

    Any normal person (i.e. with thumbs) can use Android or iOS well within a day.

    love you more than anything. love you more than anything.
  • love you more than anything.

  • Popeye206
    Apr 26, 03:27 PM
    Makes sense. Android is really becoming the defacto alternative to iOS.

    This is not about iOS vs Android. Both are doing well. It's the others who need to worry like RIM and MS. Where RIM was trying to beat the iPhone 2 years ago, now they have two platforms kicking their butt.

    However, it's really not a fair comparison when you compare the iPhone vs Android. One is a phone and the other an OS. Wake me up when one single model of an Android based phone out sells the iPhone, then you can say Apple is in trouble.

    love you more than anything. What are you looking at?
  • What are you looking at?

  • darrens
    Aug 4, 06:16 PM
    Afterall it's just a couple lines of code. :D

    Shouldn't be much code - the Adobe apps are already cross platform so there shouldn't be many endian issues to sort out. It's just a matter of changing development environments to use XCode and re-testing.

    Not simple, but not something that should take almost 2 years either.

    love you more than anything. More than anything.
  • More than anything.

  • JackAxe
    Apr 23, 10:44 PM
    Doesn't OS X already support displays up to 2560x1600? Afaik that was the resolution of Apple's own (now discontinued) 30" display and the resolution of most, if not all, 30" displays available at the moment. 3200x2000 is nothing but the next rung on the ladder. This is just Apple future-proofing their OS a bit. If they release anything in the short term it will most likely be a big-ass iMac or a bigger Apple Display, NOT a laptop running that resolution. Just saying...

    Yep. My Apple 30", which I bought in 2005 is 2560 x 1600. Oh, and my MacBook Pro 17", which runs at 1900 x 1200 can drive it as a secondary display. So could my older 17".

    Here's something most people don't know. IBM created a 200 PPI display back in 2000. Veiwsonic later released it as their VP2290b, which ran at 3200 x 2400. I recall when it came out, that it was over $6k. It required 2 DVI cables to drive it, since at that time, Dual-DVI ports were not available.

    love you more than anything. i love you more than anything
  • i love you more than anything

  • CainIs4Charlie
    Nov 8, 07:24 AM
    can anyone comment on the sound quality when playing music on the iphone via the tomtom kit when it's connected to the car's sound system?

    reason for asking: when i use a standard audio cable from the headphone output of my iphone into my car's aux in, the sound quality leaves a lot to be desired. i basically have to crank up the volume all the way on both my car system and the iphone to hear anything, and even what i hear isn't all that great.

    love you more than anything. I Love you more than anything.
  • I Love you more than anything.

  • ECUpirate44
    Apr 9, 07:22 PM
    Yes, if you assume the (9+3) is a power.

    No, if you assume there is a fantom multiplier between the 2 and the (9+3).

    It's a loaded question, due to incomplete specifications, yet again.

    Takes me back to my User days. Kill them all!!! :mad:

    It's cut and dry simple math that you are over thinking. Why would you assume (9+3) is a power? 9+3=12 simple as that.

    love you more than anything. i love you more than anything.
  • i love you more than anything.

  • shadowx
    Sep 16, 02:02 PM
    I agree with everything, except for the keyboard. If they put in a MB style keyboard I will go with a Rev A (or Thinkpad) for sure, no matter what else they do with the MBP. Neccessities aside, there's nothing I use more on my laptop than the keyboard, and even though I find the MB keyboard all right for touch typing, I don't find it acceptable for my constant use.
    I don't think you have to worry... I highly doubt a keyboard change. I would love a little more key travel on the current MBP keyboard, but obviously they would have to make the MBP thicker - so I'll live ;)

    I don't remember who said it (after reading over 200 posts!), but I agree that the MBP 15'' 1-3 day shipping vs the 17'' 5-7 (or was it 8-10) day shipping is merely due to lower stock on the 17'', not a sign of a 17'' only update. I would think they probably manufacture and sell at least 2X the number of 15'' vs 17'' MBP's.

    Mar 26, 10:40 PM
    iOS is centric to iPhone and I can't really see why the sudden shift from the status quo.
    The scorching success of iPhone 4 hand set is really setting the pace.
    The Lion revision of OSX will probably see much more inheritance of features and the ap-verse of iOS.

    In my view the real buzz for iOS 5 might be the appearance of the whole swag of new touch gestures that Apple have been working on and previewed in the recent beta.

    That along with the cloud, NFC and maybe 4G.

    I think that the only thing that might trigger iPad 3 to market could be the success rate of OLED screen manufacture process. Currently I take it that for larger screens the death rate of OLED pixels seems too high.... Either that or a retina level of screen res might trigger iPad 3 to market by years end.

    Apr 8, 08:14 PM
    I disagree. The OS on the most number of devices always ends up "winning" (for a lack of a better word.) It has happened time and time again. Windows beat MacOS after a few years due to it being on a wider range of hardware. The same happened with Android on phones. It will most defiantly happen again; if not with Android, defiantly with an OS which works on the same business model and is not tied to specific hardware.

    The 'average user' customer likes choice. The iPad provides none. An iPad is an iPad and that is that. Whereas Android provides a wide range of models and sizes and colours and specs.

    You're ignoring a huge factor: price. Mac products were more expensive than their PC counterparts. That's not at all true for the iPad. As well, Apple has huge brand cachet and their products are gorgeous to look at and touch.

    I'm not sure that choice is going to be a huge advantage in the tablet market as there's not much differentiation that is going to matter to the normal consumer. Sure, there can be different sizes but most people are happy with the iPad's size (no, not tech nerds who demand to have a tablet they can carry everywhere ;)).

    Apr 25, 10:32 AM
    "We don't track anyone." probably true, but he forgot to say the rest of the phrase. :)

    ...the file is there if the FBI, CIA, NSA or whoever needs it.

    M. Malone
    Aug 11, 09:50 AM
    Would I be able to drop a Conroe processor in my Core Duo iMac?

    Aug 7, 05:05 PM
    Anyone specs about noise level (db) when..?:

    - Sleep.
    - Idle.
    - Low load.
    - Medium load.
    - High load.
    - Maximum load


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