пятница, 13 мая 2011 г.

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  • tCruzin4lyfe
    Apr 25, 10:03 AM
    Looks like something else being blown out of proportion. It makes me laugh seeing people make threats of switching to another competitor, I wouldn't have responded or just replied "Ok". Most of these people have no idea of how this location thing works, they just hear the news and then their mind starts working overtime and they panic and want an explanation or something free haha.

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  • Killyp
    Aug 7, 04:46 AM
    How is iChat actually? Ya know? Compared to MSN? I discussed it with someguy yesterday, ironically over MSN:p , and he said Adium is better... How is the GUI and also userfreindlinesses?:)

    Personally, I prefer iChat over Adium.

    It's a much simpler, cleaner design and it integrates with OS X perfectly.

    It's very fast loading, glitch free (pretty much), and video looks fantastic!!!!

    I use AIM, and I love it. MSN is terrible in comparison, and AIM on Adium aint as good as AIM on iChat IMO...

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  • satkin2
    Apr 20, 02:51 AM
    What real difference would a larger screen make, it's half an inch at best, barely any difference.

    I really can't see what could be gained from doing this, other than being in line with the competitions screen sizes. It would have an impact on the resolution and thus affect all apps.

    Would increasing the screen size really enhance the product if it compromised the ecosystem upon which it is so tightly engrained in?

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  • Manderby
    Mar 31, 04:30 AM
    The lack of color in the system icons is god awful. Color graphics are much more easily identified than a scaled down grey icon.

    Stroop effect (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroop_effect)

    You are mixing up badly. That example shows that humans who can read, are trained to rely on what they read almost blindly rather than identifying a color. This means, Apples choice of making the icons grey makes it indeed easier to recognize as there is one less distraction. An even stronger conclusion would be: Leave the icons away completely, because reading is much faster.

    Icons were useful in the 1990s, when the number of pixels on the screen was small. Nowadays, just use text, it is way better. Look at websites, icons are used very sparsely. Text is the way to go.

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  • genetechnics
    Jul 30, 06:14 AM
    Without even getting into new things, they could just do it well. Cell phones have interfaces like goats. Every single one of them.


    So we need cell computers.


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  • dagamer34
    Mar 30, 10:49 PM
    Application Launcher - Useful for organizing apps
    Versions - Useful for those who don't leave an external HDD plugged in at all times such as laptop users.
    Resume - Useful when you need to restart your Mac.
    Auto-save - Self explanatory.
    Mission Control - Useful because you can view EVERYTHING on your Mac at a quick glance your windows, spaces, full screen apps, dashboard, etc.
    Lion Server - Server functionality that wasn't there before unless you bought a server capable Mac.
    Air Drop - Useful for quick file sharing.
    Full screen apps - Useful when you are only doing one thing on your Mac or when you are using an app that uses a lot of real estate.

    Want me to explain any more features for you?

    He's talking about parts of the UI that have been taken from iOS. This is the worst example so far: http://forums.macrumors.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=278968&d=1301532493

    It's clearly a "form over function" fail as the words are hard to read in the buttons. At least on the iPad, they had the decency to provide some contrast by making the letters white. It's horrible looking!

    Then again, it's a developer preview. But I realllly hope stuff like that doesn't stick around. It's like the translucent menu bar introduced in 10.5 which everyone complained about that didn't get fixed with an checkbox option until 10.5.2. Apple has a history of making VERY silly decisions only to give us options several months later (like iPad side switch being a lock button in 3.2, forcing it to become a mute switch in 4.2, and then FINALLY an option for either in 4.3)

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  • -aggie-
    May 3, 09:37 PM
    EDIT: Read above. Don't panic got it.

    Not according to the OP he didn't. In the example the hero had one AP and the monster had one AP. Sooooo how did the hero win?

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  • alent1234
    Apr 25, 10:56 AM
    So Steve is saying there is no database of locations? Thats just an outright lie.

    iOS uses services from a company called Skyhook to help with location tracking. they use GPS and wifi access points to pinpoint locations faster than GPS.

    a lot of android phones used to use it as well but in 2.1 or 2.2 google made it very hard to use anything except google for location. this is why a lot of android phones have slow GPS or it doesn't work as well indoors.

    if the data is sent to anyone it's probably to skyhook to improve their service. or maybe apple is doing something similar and building their own location database. do you really think that every time you use GPS it really sends a signal to outer space?

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  • The Toon Master
    Sep 11, 02:07 PM
    My friend, who's cousin works at apple, says that he told him that Movies will be available soon, and an onslaught of new tv shows. The movies would be divided by comedy, horror, etc, and movies include Boogyman, Exorcism of Emily Rose, and he said that apple was trying to get the Inyuasha Movies as well. Ptricing might be 3-5 dollars

    rememeber, none of this has been confirmed by apple

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  • Cougarcat
    Apr 23, 05:02 PM
    Good article on the subject: "Consider The Retina Display" (http://theelaborated.net/blog/2011/4/13/consider-the-retina-display.html)

    It's linked in the post (but judging from a lot of the responses here, nobody's read it.)

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  • Ping Guo
    Mar 29, 10:50 AM
    I was excited about this at first but... this just seems like an incredibly stupid fad. Instead of spending time to put the music on my PMP, I sync to the digital cloud, then stream the music to said player. Yeah, in an era where unlimited data is becoming more not less scarce, that's just what I need, data surcharges. This just appears to be yet another fad intending to push consumer technology in the wrong direction.

    You're making too much sense and will be branded a heretic. ;)

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  • Multimedia
    Jul 22, 04:30 PM
    I would really like to see Apple have a laptop cheaper than $1,100, and I think there would be a definite market for the, especially for teenagers looking into getting a Mac. I know that's unlikely, but...
    Anyways I hope that the MBPs get the processor update (and a new enclosure) very soon and I really hope the MBs and Mac Minis follow soon after.
    I don't get any reason for Apple not too, and I think with Intel it would be possible for Apple to get some cheaper computers out there. It would be nice, but seems unlikely.... *sighs*Refub 1.83GHz MacBooks Are Only $949.

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  • thenewperson
    Mar 29, 09:17 AM
    This was one qtr, not total devices or did I miss somthing?

    No you didn't. People are always confusing this. Also most people believe iOS only comprises the iPhone.

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  • JaimeChinook
    Nov 9, 12:56 PM
    After being reassured by a number of posts here, I downloaded the Sophos software and immediately did a scan of my HD. I was expecting it to find something "serious" that I would have to let Sophos deal with. It did not. Nothing was found; although the scan took about 45 minutes. At one point (near the end), the scan seemed to stop (hang up?) but it restarted OK. Perhaps it was just dealing with a particularly large file.

    I, too, am not so concerned about viral problems with my MBP but I do receive and resend files from numerous PCs so I suppose have Sophos software "on the job" might make me more responsible.

    I am curious; I seldom find anything is free. How does Sophos recover his investment in this project?

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  • PsyD4Me
    May 9, 09:25 AM
    Maybe it hasn't but I could see the logic.

    Buy a Mac and receive MobileMe free during the limited warranty (and during AppleCare if you purchased that)

    Afterwards charge for the use of it or supply a free ad supported model. I'm not saying it would happen, and you correctly pointed out it hasn't

    We could find out that Apple have no intention of changing their current model.

    And what happens to the email address after people don't renew for a paid subscription.
    I think for free they should just include a shell acct where you can manage your files (2gb), but you get no email

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  • GFLPraxis
    Mar 29, 09:11 AM
    nope, they've just restricted it.

    I wonder if Atomic Browser could view it with a faked browser ID...

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  • webman2k
    Apr 7, 10:34 AM
    All your screens are belong to us.

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  • thisisahughes
    Mar 27, 05:58 AM
    won't it suck if there isn't a new iPhone until Oct?

    that's an understatement.

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  • Eidorian
    Jul 21, 02:05 PM
    ^^^^No kidding eh? Intel is on the move this year! Releasing products left/right&centre!

    This WWDC will either be amazing or a total letdown?I doubt we'll see Core 2 Duo machines next Tuesday, but it's possible. :rolleyes:

    Otherwise I expect a WWDC rollout.

    Jul 30, 09:12 PM
    Why would it be advantageous to ban texting? All these features on phones are simply functions of software, not requring excessive hardware technology, so its not like the phone would benefit from not having it.

    Also, 5MP camera? Thats just ridiculous. The issue with all these phones is the lenses involved, not the resolution. Give me a 1.2MP that has some decent glass with it to take a picture rather than some bumped up resolution that is junk when I iSync the iPone to iPhoto :D Beside, the nokia phones that do actually have high resolution cameras are THICK. Over an inch. Im not saying we need the next razr here, but over 1" thick makes it uncomfortable to keep in your pocket.

    And I think it will be SIM free too. As posted, we all go blow 200-400 on ipods, why not phones. Beside, if Apple just releases unlocked GSM phones, the carriers have no say. iTunes, iChat, VoiP when the wifi is available, its all open season if this thing isnt branded to a particular carrier.

    Mar 27, 03:57 AM
    If theres no announced release date it can't be delayed. It would just be later than usual. Thats not the same thing. I'm all for waiting. The longer I hang on to my 3GS the more reason I have to upgrade. Just hope It doesnt break so I can sell it to help cover the cost.

    Apr 18, 02:57 PM
    It really does look like a clone, but more importantly (I'm guessing), Samsung, as Apple's screen supplier, has an inside angle on replicating the all-important touch screen interface.

    Apr 9, 09:32 PM
    Oh, I can admit when I'm wrong. I used to believe in protecting tenure for teachers. See?

    Then we can end this on agreement. I don't believe in it too. My wife should keep her job if and only if she continues to do it well not because its near impossible to fire tenured staff. But don't think I missed your sarcasm...

    Sep 11, 02:21 PM
    What we will get:

    Movie service with 320x240 movies, Airport Express AV with compostie and s-video only.


    Extremely unlikely. Or i`d say it`s impossible. We`ll definitely get DVD quality(atleast as an option). But my guesses are 720p will also be offered to those with a really really FAT internet pipe. Fat enough to fill a human body I guess:D .

    I really think Apple will offer atleast 3 resolutions ie QVGA, DVD and(crossing fingers) HD 720p(may be at an extra cost and limited in number of available titles). Apple needs to do something which will set them apart from Amazon. I`ll be really disappointed if all we get is the same as Amazon.

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