пятница, 20 мая 2011 г.

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  • Digitalclips
    May 6, 05:40 AM
    My bet is they have BOTH on board.

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Aug 4, 03:25 PM
    Intel said they expect Merom-based machines to be available for purchase toward the end of August. What's this about Apple receiving a large shipment of CPUs in September? They'd be a month behind the rest of the market by the time they started delivering systems. Intel said they were shipping Merom when they announced their earnings for last quarter.

    They could be shipping computers with Merom end of August, IMO maybe even earlier.

    Recieving large shipment in September may indicate they are going into other computers to be ready for Paris (mini, MacBook, who knows).

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  • (marc)
    May 6, 09:42 AM
    Time to rename a Quarter Pounder into a "Royale with cheese"! :D

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  • Tomorrow
    May 3, 12:59 PM
    SI is superior in conversions only
    Imperial is superior as I actually have a feel for the numbers

    It's also easier in calculations - each unit is a derivative of the seven base units, each with a conversion factor of 1.

    Yes, let's not change it because YOU actually have a feel for the numbers.

    As for having a feel for the numbers, he's not alone. I have nearly 20 years of professional experience using Imperial units as a mechanical engineer, as does every mechanical engineer in the U.S. Switching systems (or, rather, making it mandatory) will require all of these engineers to re-learn the formulae they've known and used for decades. That's the equivalent of millions of man-years of engineering experience down the drain. That isn't progress, no matter how much you might want want to believe it is.

    We need to switch to the metric system, what we have now is ****ing crazy when looking at the rest of the world...this is coming from a bio major who has to deal with SI units daily

    SI != metric.

    I deal with both daily - our electrical system (Watts, Amperes, Volts, Ohms, etc.) are all metric and SI. Using Imperial units doesn't make understanding those SI units any harder.

    For the love of your education system, do make the switch! I'm an engineering student from Canada. So I have to learn both imperial and SI. Imperial is such a pain in the ass.

    I was an engineering student in the U.S., and I learned to use both systems - and yes, calculations using SI units were simpler. But the reality is that mechanical engineers here do not measure refrigeration in Watts, they use Btuh or tons of refrigeration. We don't use degrees Celsius, we use degrees Fahrenheit. We don't measure airflow in liters per second (which isn't even an SI unit; the proper convention would be cubic meters per second), we use cubic feet per minute. And as such, that's the system I've grown comfortable with as a professional.

    Really, most opinions I see in the US to keep the imperial system is because you're not accustomed to it.

    Which translates to an incredible cost of switching, and a near-certainty of an avalanche of errors.

    ...the difference between 37 and 38 degrees Celsius is 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit, hardly a noticeable difference when it comes to weather forecasts.

    You'd make a great point if weather forecasts were all we used temperature measurements for.

    For chilled water, a 12 degree (F) temperature differential equates to 2 gpm per ton of refrigeration. Every mechanical engineer knows that. Force him to use SI units, and the game changes completely; calculations that could once be done in your head now require a calculator. You would achieve the opposite effect.

    I'm not so sure. If a recipe calls for 2 tablespoons, is it not just as easy to measure out 30ml?

    Measuring or counting out two is always easier than measuring or counting out thirty.

    Are there really any benefits to the Customary scale, or do we just perceive benefits because it's what we're used to?

    I don't know that there are benefits to using customary units; but there are indeed benefits to not switching units. Not the same thing.

    Metric is just easier to learn. Period.

    That's one opinion. Period.

    If it were so damn easy, everyone would know it, now, wouldn't they?

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  • SidBala
    May 5, 11:39 PM
    The question of units is not really relevant if you are not in a science/engineering field.

    I am an engineering student in Canada. We solve problems in both units. But mostly we stick to SI.

    The imperial system is, quite honestly, a complete mess. Most of the time, we solve the problems in SI and then convert the results to metric.

    Most professors do not bother to ask questions in imperial. Solving the problem is 1000 times harder than the conversion between units.

    Sure, people who already have a feel for the imperial units will prefer imperial. But if they had grown up with metric, they would prefer that.

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  • RichP
    Nov 22, 11:55 AM
    I have to agree with some previous posters on here; its not going to be the featureset, but the implementation.

    I have a Samsung Smartphone, and WinMobile isnt terrible, but its far from smooth or an enjoyable use. That being said, when you have "real" internet (aka not something that is just for phone use) and "real" Instant Messaging, you begin to actually use these things. The T-Mobile Sidekick, although a bit geared to the younger crowd, its a very good device in terms of its functionality and user interface.

    I basically see the iPhone as a better designed, better user interfaced, and EXTREMELY easy to charge and Sync with a computer. Just like an iPod. All these phones lack in the sync department, Apple could dominate this (which, apart from the user interface, is the thing that sets the ipod apart. Plug it ina and it just works, no fuss)

    Expect to see it sold through Apple unlocked, around 400-450 dollars. People used to pay that for an iPod, they will do so for a phone. Especially when there are VERY expensive ringtones, songs, etc. Apple will be the more economical choice in light of the expensive "services" the providers offer.

    The industry will change. MS will release the "Pune" in 3 years to kill iPhone. In brown.

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  • MacNut
    Apr 14, 11:10 AM
    You mean like

    or any other websites easily found via google?I want line items on every single thing spent.

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  • Lesser Evets
    May 4, 02:45 PM
    I'm outraged.

    OK, not really, just wary of not having an OS disk in case of problems. It'd have to be followed by the merest physical back-up device in the mail, just in case. The current packaging of OSX is ridiculous; it might be good for the noobs, but I throw away everything but the disk the moment the box opens. I'd rather get a tiny USB key in a plain, brown rapper.

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  • Coolerking
    Sep 11, 01:05 PM
    ...or back to school rush

    We'll find out tomorrow

    BTW...what is the high end Merom processor? Is there a lower end processor? If there is the higher, faster one would go into the MBP while the lower end C2D is in the MB so you still have a discrepancy that warrants a higher price point.


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  • toddybody
    Mar 31, 09:18 AM

    "It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries... Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good."

    Best OSX name ever.

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  • Applejuiced
    Mar 26, 11:11 PM
    Change the thread title!!!! Whats with all these crappy/misleading titles lately!!!

    Just to get attention that's all.
    I doubt iOS 5.0 or the next iphone will be delayed.

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  • 3N16MA
    Mar 28, 12:10 PM
    Wow, this has to be bs. I cannot believe Apple won't introduce any hardware in WWDC '11.
    They're planning on stretching the iPhone 4? Good job Apple, don't complain about losing customers now. If Apple releases the next iPhone after 2 years, then they are officially going to lose whatever market share they had.
    I'm still going to wait for another announcement because every report said that there would be an iPhone 5 this summer, it makes no sense.

    So in your world a 'real refresh' is when the externals change? Don't judge a book by it's cover, the 3GS was a massive upgrade.

    The iPhone 4 got massive external and internal changes while the 3Gs just got internal changes. iPhone 4 is a bigger refresh than the 3Gs. I never said the 3Gs was not a real refresh I said it was not as big as the iPhone 4.

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  • Zombie Acorn
    May 6, 11:44 AM
    Seriously it takes maybe a couple months to adjust to new systems of measure, it's really not that big of a deal and it certainly doesn't require any massive brain power to use metric vs. Imperial. The only preference I still have for imperial is food based. Can i have 500 grams of sliced ham? It just sounds wrong.

    Also they teach both systems in grade school etc at least when I was in school.

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  • mabaker
    Mar 28, 10:40 AM
    Loving all the drama queens on here. :cool:

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  • chaosbringer
    Apr 29, 11:26 AM
    They already provide fewer USB ports than the ICH10 actually provides (12 on the chip, but Apple only provides access to 5), so it's certainly possible this sort of thinking could be applied elsewhere.

    I also wonder what else they would consider denying access to in the X79 (i.e. RAID functionality in particular).

    Isn't Apple using usb connections for other hardware?

    Bluetooth come to mind, the physical connection may not me nothing like a usb port or header but a usb connection may still provide the means to connect the Bluetooth mini board...

    On the PSU subject, since Transporteur confirms that there are no vents from the HDDs going into the PSU Area, the only thing that could justify movin the PSU to the bottom area of the case would be.. having the power cable closer to the ground :D lol

    On the top location, it does serve to balance the existence of the 2 ODD, allowing that separate airflow area.

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  • markfc
    May 7, 11:11 AM
    There will be a free version of mobileme, if only to save people having to register for a free AIM account to video conference on the new iPhoneHD.

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  • DiveBum
    Nov 3, 09:29 AM
    :eek: $119.00 for a mount without the software? They must be real proud of that!

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  • dernhelm
    May 6, 05:46 AM
    Why migrate at all? Why not support both architectures? They do now. Intel for the high performance guys and ARM for the cheap and easy guys.

    The iPad is already positioned as a notebook replacement for the light web surfing, e-mail, e-Book crowd. An ARM based "executive" laptop that extends this for presentations, light document work, etc is just plain obvious.

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  • Nooon
    Sep 16, 04:31 PM
    what windows skin is that? looks really nice :)

    Looks like Kamino (http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/15249612/)

    Aug 2, 02:45 PM
    Well, I disagree with the first part of your post. However, I'm sure Apple won't care and go ahead anyway! :D

    As for the two-camera thing... wasn't there a rumor sometime back about how Leopard could handle dual-camera chatting? It would use the monitor/camera that the chat window was on... move the chat window to the other display, and the other camera picks up the chat!

    With Steve Jobs having Apple quietly dhanging the built-in camera from the iSight FW model to a USB2 model, would these cameras follow & be USB. Wouldn't that mean that either 2 USB channels be used or the cameras work in a jirky or slow manner? FW400 for your iSight or built-in camera & your iPods & FW800 for your external hard drives, new SanDisk CF card reader & other Pro needs. The FW400 won't be used for these activities for new people though as all new iPods are USB only & the iSight probably will be soon.

    I have my iSight camera mounted on a flexable gooseneck stand. This allows me to show what I want. The iSight runs very hot just being plugged in. It is nice being able to unplug it when it is not in use. Just shutting the camera off is not enough.

    Bill the TaxMan

    Apr 26, 03:53 PM
    It doesn't take a genius to predict that when proprietary OS, making essentially one model of phone, is compared to essentially the rest of the world, that the open OS, having perhaps 30 companies manufacturing perhaps 50 or so models of phone at any time, that they will garner a bigger market share.

    Apple couldn't get enough parts to compete with 30 companies if they tried. They don't want to. Apple is not trying for world dominance. They are trying for perfection. Just as there are more Ford Pintos in the world than Bentleys. Who cares.

    So, in response to this "amazing" statistic, I say, SO WHAT!

    Mar 27, 12:25 PM
    I'm skeptical about any of Apple's "cloud" offerings. They don't do it well at all. Apple is an OS-App-Based company. They have NEVER done anything leveraging the "cloud" well at all. Many, many companies out there run circles around Apple when it comes to the "cloud"....>cough< Dropbox >cough<. I would be surprised (pleasantly) if MobileMe did not have a fee. If they are beefing it up to be "magical" you better believe there will be a fee for that magic! I'd like to see something that blows everyone away. I'm just not counting on it.

    Aug 4, 12:04 AM
    Please apple what ever you do. Don't leave me stuck with a Merom MBP at 2.16... we need the 2.33!!

    Mar 29, 01:59 PM
    At 10% unemployment, I don't know many people who would scoff at a job these days.

    And, it isn't that illegal immigrants do jobs that people "wouldn't be caught dead doing" -- it's that they do jobs that people wouldn't be caught dead doing for below minimum wage. There are plenty of Americans who would pick fruit or clean buildings for a fair wage -- they just don't get the opportunity because an immigrant will do the job for cash at poverty wages.

    Yeah, that's true.

    What's the solution though? Living in Arizona I hear about this issue ALL THE TIME on the news, and it seems like there are many different pros and cons to any potential solution they come up with.

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