воскресенье, 22 мая 2011 г.

kathryn morris hairstyle

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  • Perrumpo
    Apr 8, 12:19 PM
    You definitely don't want to judge Room by its cover. Disturbing premise.
    And Connelly's latest Mickey Haller novel.

    Westy 12. Best beer in the world, only available in Belgium.

    The fantastic Dreadnaught Imperial IPA from Three Floyds, only in Indiana.

    Beer run

    Shelf for beer

    And some coffee Patron for good measure.

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  • sarge
    Oct 18, 03:18 PM
    Please, this conversation is so 2005...

    November 17, 2005 (Computerworld) -- Turner Entertainment Networks has its lenses focused on holographic storage for the future of storing and retrieving its movies, cartoons and commercial spots. The network giant has completed a test of the cutting-edge storage technology, which it said will soon move the company away from tape- and disk-based storage.
    "The holographic disk promises to retail for $100, and by it will have capacity of 1.6TB each. That's pretty inexpensive," said Ron Tarasoff, vice president of broadcast technology and engineering at Turner Entertainment. "Even this first version can store 300GB per disk, and it has 160MB/sec. data throughput rates. That's burning. Then combine it with random access, and it's the best of all worlds."

    Optware is now neighbors with its only other U.S. competitor, InPhase Technologies Inc., which is also in Longmont. InPhase said earlier this year that it will begin shipping its own 300GB drive by the end of next year.
    Holographic disks can attain far higher density of data storage than standard magnetic disk drives, which store data only on the surface of a disk. Holographic disk technology allows data to be stored as a holograph throughout the polymer material that makes up a disk.

    Optware also plans to release a holographic disk product for streaming video that's targeted at the film and broadcast industries, and a consumer disk product that is about the size of a credit card with 30GB of capacity.

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  • lmalave
    Oct 3, 02:19 PM
    lets hope we get new MBPs before Macworld in Jan!

    in Jan i hope to get iTV, iLife '07, Leopard and maybe an iPhone

    I would like to see iTV a cross between Tivo and Front Row

    There is not much i would like to see added to iLife but i bet Steve will make my buy it

    Not going to be like a Tivo. Not at the price point that Apple was talking about...

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  • wordoflife
    Apr 23, 09:32 PM
    I do agree that you should be able to remove your vote, rendering a net change of zero, but otherwise, it appears to be accurate.\

    It's probably been figured out by now, but you can remove your vote (whether positive or negative). Just click the button that you previously clicked to remove your rating. Lets say you clicked +1 but now you want to take that back to make it 0, just press +1 again to undo it.

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  • torbjoern
    Mar 18, 04:51 AM
    Nail. Hit. On. The. Head.

    In personal experience, most of the Apple "haters" I've known have fallen into the category if they could afford an Apple product, then they wouldn't hate.

    Hating something is easier than openly admitting "I want that but cannot afford it", so by creating a hate figure out of the company/products, it makes it easier for the person to "accept" that they will never own the product they secretly lust after.
    Cognitive dissonance is easier to "harmonise by hate" (see the oxymoron here?) than to accept with an honest mind, just like some people deal with buyer's remorse by telling themselves how much they love their new product. I was a Mac-hater long before I even knew that the price was higher for Macs than for PCs, it goes back to horrific experience with a G3 iMac, a hockey puck mouse and OS 9...

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 14, 05:07 PM
    About the footsteps issue, while you may not hear someone else, your own footsteps are almost deafening now. I take the Ninja perk just to NOT hear my own footsteps.
    Right, and that was what made it so good in MW2. You were super quiet, and could hear everyone else much better because of that. Now in Black Ops, while your own movements are certainly much quieter with Ninja, everyone else running around makes basically no noise, regardless of their Green perk. Because of that, no one HAS to use Ninja, and can still run around all stealthy, stabbing or shooting you in the back.

    In MW2, you could easily hear people coming if you were paying attention, and get a jump on them. In Black Ops, since you can't hear anyone, ever, the game is a constant battle of internet connection and reflexes. What happens now is, you and an enemy both, surprisingly, come around a corner to face each other. What ensues is each person wildly spraying bullets until one of you falls over dead. That isn't very fun.
    A new update or patch will be welcome, and I look forward to playing the game despite it's problems. Good fun.
    I agree. Even though there are a few issues I have with the game, and a couple are close to game-breaking, the game has a lot of fun in it. With a good update/patch, it could be great.

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  • pakyooh
    Apr 12, 04:25 PM
    Amazon.. around $8..

    That case is awesome, where did you purchase it?

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  • appleforever
    Aug 7, 04:02 PM
    Sweet. $500 for the 20" with the edu discount??

    What school. I logged in under education and it is $649 for the 20".

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  • 124151155
    Apr 16, 11:17 PM
    I'm aware that these are fake, but I think this is what the next iPhones are going to look like - following the design of the iPad...
    Hopefully there will be a 128GB model, I'd definitely be getting one of them =D

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  • Eidorian
    May 3, 11:28 PM
    The reason why I didn't buy an Ipad yet. I would only browse on Safari and play games. Something that is available on my Macbook Pro.Since I am the local technology guru, people are just shy of harassing given the constant barrage of questions just asking if I own one. They are amazed that I do not own an iPad or tablet since they are "popular".

    I can afford one but the lack of MKV playback is the deal killer. So that makes it $499 to browse the internet.

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  • reflex
    Nov 16, 03:59 PM
    Maybe AMDs for the low end lines and Core 2 Duo for the high end? What about a Mac Mini with dual AMD X2 for less than $400 with ATI graphic? :D

    Sort of what I was thinking. A Turion x2 or maybe an upcoming dual core Sempron (the current one runs pretty cool). Might put the mini back at a $499 starting price.

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  • mrkramer
    Jan 15, 11:10 PM
    I was very disappointed with the keynote. I have no need for an :apple:TV, I am slightly upset that the iPod touch update costs money. The time capsule may be interesting, but nothing I plan on getting anytime soon. I did get excited when the MacBook air was introduced, but then after the keynote when I was checking prices on the BTO parts to see how long until I would have enough money to buy it I realized that it had a glossy screen which I will never buy so what would have been an otherwise almost perfect powerbook 12" replacement was ruined.

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  • Mac'nCheese
    Apr 25, 05:35 PM
    The video was hard to watch and saddens me more because a double minority (a black woman) should know better. The irony of this beating should be lost on no one.

    You would think that; however one could argue that black Americans don't repay the goodwill done towards their causes by standing up for other minorities. In fact, you could say that they do the opposite and use other minorities as scape goats for their problems. You could say that but then everyone would just call you a racist.

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  • anotherarunan
    Jan 15, 03:14 PM
    Three new toys to own (MacBook Air, :apple:tv 2, and Time Capsule) plus an update for my existing toy - iPhone.

    Count me as pleased.

    Now hopefully an MBP refresh will happen next Tuesday.

    what you're getting ALL of them? :eek:

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  • themoonisdown09
    Mar 24, 03:40 PM
    I started with 10.3 (Panther) and have loved every minute of it. My friend bought the new iMac G4 (still my favorite design) when they first came out and it had 10.1 on it. That was my first time using OSX.

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  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 4, 05:13 PM

    This is the language tacked onto the anti-union bill.

    Fivepoint- I assume you're OK with this since you got yours.Good one, lee. :D

    ...deep down everyone realizes that these protesters are protesting for petty reasons. They don't care about the kids, the schools, the state, the budget, the economy... they just don't want THEIRS to be taken away.Which is interesting, because isn't this exactly what we say about the corporations? That they don't care about their workers, the country, the economy; they're so short-sighted that all they care about is how much they can grab for themselves. Interesting because apparently that's okay for corporations, but not for people.

    Not that I think the unions are that shallow. Just sayin' that it seems it's okay to be selfish as long as your name ends in INC or LLC.

    And finally, from earlier in the thread:

    That's true regarding federal employees. It's being labeled as draconian because that's how union thugs get their message across. They need to scare people in order to get their way. Scare or intimidate... and thankfully they aren't powerful enough to intimidate all of us at this point. Not that they aren't trying:

    https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/188078_139173095668_4256766_n.jpgReally. That's meant to scare people?

    Perhaps you'd prefer one of these:

    http://forums.macrumors.com/picture.php?albumid=54&pictureid=585 http://forums.macrumors.com/picture.php?albumid=54&pictureid=584 http://forums.macrumors.com/picture.php?albumid=54&pictureid=586 http://forums.macrumors.com/picture.php?albumid=54&pictureid=587

    "... Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relationships and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the government. All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations ... The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for ... officials ... to bind the employer ... The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives ...

    "Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of government employees. Upon employees in the federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people ... This obligation is paramount ... A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent ... to prevent or obstruct ... Government ... Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government ... is unthinkable and intolerable." -Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States, and Progressive/Liberal HeroOur labor unions are not narrow, self-seeking groups. They have raised wages, shortened hours and provides supplemental benefits. Through collective bargaining and grievance procedures, they have brought justice and democracy to the shop floor. But their work goes beyond their own job, and even beyond our borders. For the labor movement is people. Our unions have brought millions of men and women together ... and given them common tools for common goals. -- John F. Kennedy

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  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 19, 10:27 AM
    PS: if you look more closely at Apple's 3Q numbers, you'll see that desktop sales were relatively flat: the growth was in laptops.

    As we should expect. Laptops are where the growth is in the PC market today, period. I'd expect Apple's desktop sales to jump in the next couple of quarters, after Adobe ships the Intel version of CS. A lot of users in the pro market are waiting for this.

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  • dsnort
    Aug 4, 07:56 AM
    Still can't agree with ya on the cd thing for one reason, I went to a movie theatre this past weekend. I may be showing my age, but i can remember when the hue and cry was that the availibity of movies on VHS was going to put the theatres out of business, but it didn't. There are always going to be those who want the latest and greatest right now, without having to wait, and these people are willing to pay a premium. Some type of physical media will allow them to do that.

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  • aliensporebomb
    Apr 25, 11:50 AM
    Curiouser and curiouser.

    If it's a fake, whoever did it did a pretty interesting job on it.

    It looks plausible.

    I mean we had:

    iphone 3g
    iphone 3gs

    why not
    iphone 4
    iphone 4gs

    Which would give incentive for people to go for the white one I guess.

    then the 5 comes out later?

    Apr 6, 08:15 AM
    That is the very first thing I thought of. I remember that rejection and how ridiculous it was for 2 reasons.

    1: She was trying to promote Apple's iAds! How does it hurt Apple?
    2: Has Apple seen all the apps that could easily be called "not required" or "redundant"?

    She'd be taking money for worthless ad impressions.

    Mar 17, 12:43 AM
    Are you a Best Buy Reward Zone member? If yes, did you use your account when you check out the iPad?

    Nov 16, 01:16 PM
    I don't know where this assertion that AMD are rubbish comes from. The integrated memory controller technology that AMD have currently is beter than Intels offering (for the moment).

    That said, they'd be daft to go with AMD. It's nice that they have this stick to poke Intel with though.

    Sep 13, 05:36 PM
    well my last power bill was outrageous. so it looks i will be stop bigadv folding on 1 of my machines for now. i'm messing around with some server stuff as well. so i might get it back to folding when it gets colder

    Apr 15, 12:26 PM
    Seeing as that it doesn't have any place for the antenna (like the black area towards the top of the 3G iPad), i'm very skeptical with this picture.

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