четверг, 19 мая 2011 г.

kate and william royal wedding

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  • william and kate royal wedding

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 20, 07:11 AM
    This model promises to be one that many will pass on.

    I certainly will.

    Even though it's already well known that it will have a better antenna to fix the antennagate issue that most everyone denied.

    The lack of a fresh new look will keep me away, especially retaining the tiny screen. Seems like Apples coasting this time around.

    A faster processor? Big deal, who needs it, a waste of money just to pump up Apples coffers.

    A true disappointment, this one is. I was so eager to dump my antennagate special.

    It isn't even out yet, no confirmed specs and you are already done?

    You know that when ever you ass u me something you make an ass out of U and me :-)

    kate and william royal wedding. Just Wed Kate William After
  • Just Wed Kate William After

  • tribalogical
    May 6, 01:27 AM
    My first reaction to the headline was, "Oh no, not again..." (having already weathered both the OS9 -> OSX and PowerPC -> Intel x86 transitions)...

    But after that initial groan, a few other (more positive?) considerations came to mind.

    First, Apple really did do a great job of transitioning from PPC to Ix86... it was far less painful than it could have been. Not perfect, but incredibly well-managed.

    Now, OSX Lion is coming, and it appears to contain the beginnings of a convergence and consolidation between iOS and OSX. If we try to imagine where those OS's will be, say, 3 years out (and the hardware as well), by THAT time, it may be as simple as flipping a switch and hey-presto, you're on an ARM device without missing a beat...

    I say this because, as devices like iPad evolve over the next few years, the applications written for them will also, and by the time 'higher end devices' like desktops and laptops are lining up for a platform change, those "mobile" app versions will already be 'full featured', and already written for ARM-based devices (I'll use the current Garageband pair - with cross-compatible OSX/iOS versions - as a very early-market example of that future). So, the painful prospect of rewriting/recompiling all your code won't be nearly as bad as it was for the OS9->X transition.

    Another consideration is that tomorrow's mobile devices will be far more powerful than even today's desktop/laptops are. It's harder to imagine the future of the desktop/laptop as we know them today.

    In fact, now would probably be a good time to remember that what Jobs is creating here isn't just "magical devices"... he's embarked on defining the "Post PC Era"...

    It'll be interesting to see where all this leads, but my take on it is that it might not even feel much like a "platform switch" by the time we arrive there...

    kate and william royal wedding. Kate and William Royal Wedding
  • Kate and William Royal Wedding

  • jav6454
    Mar 28, 09:59 AM
    Every year we get people saying we are and we are not getting new hardware updates.

    Like an arrow shot in the air, the target is always a hit and miss.

    kate and william royal wedding. kate and william royal wedding
  • kate and william royal wedding

  • vito
    Apr 6, 05:12 AM
    And while this little Apple - Toyota "thingy" is happening, Microsoft announces a joint press announcement with Toyota:


    They're welcome to each other.

    Why anyone would want to brand their phone with a Toyota Theme is beyond me, Ferrari, Aston Martin maybe but Toyota lol

    kate and william royal wedding. kate and william royal wedding
  • kate and william royal wedding

  • mrgstiffler
    Mar 30, 05:53 PM
    So I guess that Gold Master rumor was wrong.

    Everyone who used the first developer preview knew that rumor was flat wrong.

    kate and william royal wedding. Royal Wedding William and Kate
  • Royal Wedding William and Kate

  • 0815
    Apr 18, 03:36 PM
    Yeah that looks similar, I was referring to the tablet/honeycomb.

    Is the law suit really about the 'looks' ?

    kate and william royal wedding. royal wedding cake kate and
  • royal wedding cake kate and

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 25, 11:35 AM
    Except that neither cares about watching YOU.

    You don't believe a company whose sole source of revenue is providing advertising and data search services cares about keeping an eye on you???

    Ignorance truly is bliss.

    kate and william royal wedding. hats. Hats Fashion
  • hats. Hats Fashion

  • jkozlow3
    Mar 28, 10:24 AM
    Yes, precisely. Android and other handsets are moving to Tegra 2/Orion based platforms with maybe quad core SoCs coming in Fall '11 from nVidia. An A5 equipped iPhone shipping around September would be outdated the minute it hits the shelves as far as hardware is concerned.

    With Pocket Legends already reporting that gaming on Android is making them more money than on iOS and this delay in Apple's usual release schedule, it could mean that iOS gaming could lose out to Android and set the pace for future developments, just like what happened to Apple in the 80s with the rise of the PC.

    While I doubt we have anything to worry about short term as iOS device owners, if they keep this up in the long term and keep losing ground to Android, it might become a problem.

    The Verizon iPhone was the nail in Android's coffin. Not saying Android will go away completely, but I do believe iPhones will be as popular as iPods within a couple more years. How many people do you know without an iPod of some sort? (at least prior to the iPhone which has replaced the iPod for many)

    kate and william royal wedding. Kate and William Royal Wedding
  • Kate and William Royal Wedding

  • lsvtecjohn3
    Mar 26, 11:41 PM
    Just to get attention that's all.
    I doubt iOS 5.0 or the next iphone will be delayed.

    Agree I'm going to bump this thread what Apple unveils iOS 5 at WWDC

    kate and william royal wedding. royal wedding william kate.
  • royal wedding william kate.

  • phlavor
    Apr 21, 05:32 PM
    What I've wondered since they killed the xServe is what they plan to fill their new data center with. Mac Pros on shelves? 1 billion minis? They aren't going to run it all on PCs. It would be a marketing disaster.

    kate and william royal wedding. royal wedding william kate.
  • royal wedding william kate.

  • Glen Quagmire
    Aug 7, 02:35 PM
    If i stuck 4x nvidia whatchamacallit would it make any difference to gaming etc on one monitor? Or is an extra graphics card just for extra monitors?


    It's for extra monitors.

    kate and william royal wedding. royal wedding william kate.
  • royal wedding william kate.

  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 04:23 PM
    Not really significantly faster than the G5 Quad. Maybe 50% faster at best. As owner of a Quad G5 my motivation would be more about the 6 bays and the FW 800 and extra USB 2 port on the front than the speed. :) Not worth the extra money to go 3GHz - 33% more money for 12% more speed doesn't make economic sense. Need 8 cores inside.

    kate and william royal wedding. Royal-Wedding-William-Kate-
  • Royal-Wedding-William-Kate-

  • JAT
    Apr 25, 11:29 AM
    If you are [a criminal], then you are probably bright enough to use a burn phone. :p

    You should at least watch The Wire to get some hints, anyway.

    kate and william royal wedding. Royal Wedding: William and
  • Royal Wedding: William and

  • rumplestiltskin
    Nov 26, 01:04 PM
    Not mentioned in any of the speculation (but I'll put money on it):

    eBook reader. If Apple can manage some arrangements with the textbook publishers, this would move Apple back into the driver's seat in the Education market.


    kate and william royal wedding. kate and william royal wedding
  • kate and william royal wedding

  • darrens
    Aug 4, 06:46 PM
    In other words, lots of people need 64-bit for the addressing PER PROCESS, not per system (processor) as you say. (Actually, there's no "per processor" limit - a 2-way can't address more RAM than a 1-way.)

    Too true. I have a Win2k app I've been developing which could use more than 4GB RAM - in fact more than 2GB RAM (Win2k won't let a process use more than 2GB for various reasons).

    Even with the 32 bit processors supporting more than 4GB RAM, does Windows support it? Microsoft has a habit of not supporting things unless "a lot" of people will use it.

    I don't think any of the current intel Macs support more than 4GB anyway, so it's a bit academic for Macs right now. Hopefully for not much longer...

    kate and william royal wedding. kate and william royal wedding
  • kate and william royal wedding

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 26, 02:30 PM
    According to the latest data, Android now edges out iOS, 31% to 30%, a significant change from the July-September 2010 period when iOS held a 33%-26% lead over Android among future smartphone purchasers.
    The difference is most like not significant enough to say that Android edges out iOS. What's most likely is significant enough is Android's rise and iOS losing share.

    Once again, the seperating into 'smartphone' and 'tablet' markets makes little sense. A tablet is a lot more like a laptop than a smartphone. The survey is about smartphones. The iPad isn't a smartphone, nor is the iPod Touch. It's about more than just the OS. If Microsoft decided to run Windows 7 on their smartphones, then their desktop computers, laptops, or tablets wouldn't be counted either.


    Apple isn't forced to allow iOS only on their own devices.

    kate and william royal wedding. Royal-wedding-kate-and-william
  • Royal-wedding-kate-and-william

  • macindork
    Apr 24, 04:31 PM
    You do realise you can switch your multi-path policy to something like Round-Robin or Least used link or something and use both your fabrics at the same time, giving you double bandwidth (in your 4 Gig port configuration, giving you 8 Gbps, or in a 8 Gbps FC configuration, 16) right ? Actually, you should have a look at what it is set to, some versions of ESX and ESXi are completely retarded and set the default policy to use Fabric 1 only (older versions prior to 4.x didn't have a supported configuration for using both paths at the same time, the support was experimental I believe).

    Or you can run FCoE or FCoIP and use dual 10 Gbps for FC on the cheap (I do realise HBAs can be pricey). Or heck, iSCSI over 10 Gbps links...

    Also, looking at my current I/O statistics for one of our biggest ESXi boxes (about 20 VMs), I see we average about... 10 mbps over the fiber. ;) Servers aren't constantly writing at full bandwidth anyhow and the convenience of centralized SAN management trumps Direct Attached Storage any day of the week in a data center environnement.

    Heck, I wish our DMZ servers could be attached to the SAN (stupid Security policies) so that I could actually grow the filesystems on which the file repository sits... seeing how Sun (now Oracle) wants to charge us over 10k$ for about 72 GBs of disks, just because the hardware is EOL'd and it lacks the 2nd controller so that we can use the drive bays that are free in it...

    If I am not mistaken our PE 2970s are 10gig (x4), I do not know about the Equallogic (I'm just the "helper" on most of this anyway) but I assume it is 10gig as well. What makes this funny to me is that we should be able to use one physical link per server back to the equallogic and have greater throughput versus going from the 2950 to a 3com 4500 (1gig switch, I 10gig switch would be a great start here) and back to the equallogic. (that would throw out redundancy though)(Lead systems guy threw in a 4400 by mistake initally) Most of our VMs are file sharing servers instead of processing servers, I would think the higher the transmit speed the better. We also recently added an R715 and it likes to take the brunt of the load from the cluster (16 physical cores/32GB RAM in it vs 8/32GB in the 2950s) so it having greater throughput would be helpful. We are on 4.1, I will def look into the multipath policy, thanks :)

    kate and william royal wedding. kate and william royal wedding
  • kate and william royal wedding

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 25, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    �If you have something that you don�t want anyone to know maybe you shouldn�t be doing it in the first place.� - Eric Schmidt

    kate and william royal wedding. Royal Wedding: Kate and
  • Royal Wedding: Kate and

  • islanders
    Jul 22, 12:01 PM
    Nearly the entire line of majot Apple products is in need of an update.


    Thanks for the link. Your right they are all in need of an update. I assumed most of them were brand new. Wow.

    Sep 11, 03:37 AM
    I can't see how Apple can begin an sell movies and not also sell a Media Mac.
    It would be like iTMS and no iPods... how well would that work? :rolleyes:

    I think your right on the button with this one. iTMS is there to support apple products and as such they are going to want to keep it that way.
    If its not an updated ipod the only other product must be some kind of video aiport media device that you can rig up to you TV

    Apr 24, 01:54 PM
    You contradict yourself here. A 27" iMac is probably already retina, considering the viewing distance should be around 30" away.

    As the distance grows, the PPI treshold to achieve the "retina" effect of "Eye can't distinguish the individual pixels" becomes lower. Given enough distance, 48 PPI can be enough to be dubbed "retina display" (your standard 50" 1080p TV).

    No, you're not wrong. But I'm not either. I'll let you figure out why (think about the lower case b in Mbps vs MB of RAM ;) ). Unless I'm misinterpreting something, I doubt DP 1.2 can push out 21 gigaBYTES of data per second...

    As for the 6990 listing that as max resolution, I'm betting that has more to do with current LCD display limitation (that is the max resolutions you'll find on an LCD monitor) than with actual hardware limitation. The hardware is capable of more than that. Some of these cards with a single GPU have 2-4 DP outputs capable of driving 2-4 of these 2560x1600 monitors. The GPU itself doesn't a problem pushing out these pixels and DP 1.2 makes it so they can push it over a single connection.

    Sony was there first with the Vaio Z. 13.3", 1920x1080 baby. If it weren't so expensive it would be mine and I'd be back to running Linux.

    Thanks, a 'duh' moment for me.

    However, ati does list the 6990 as having a maximum display resolution of 2650 x 1600 per display though it can handle up to 6 displays. There will have to be a change somewhere. (Though you could probably write a program that would allow this resolution). That is still going to max out thunderbolt so you would not be able to drive one of those displays at native with a macbook pro.

    Apr 15, 10:22 AM
    Sorry to break it to you but it's not me with the false premise. Money is like water, it flows to where there is least resistance. Money can be invested in anything and anywhere around the world. You can invest on Asian exchanges. Why not create a company in Hong Kong and invest through that? You can even invest in American companies because many of them list on several international exchanges. If you were a billionaire, would you invest with an individual account in the U.S. and be subject to a 35% tax, or invest through a corporation in Hong Kong and pay no taxes. In reality, they probably have many investments spread out. Some in the U.S., some internationally. Such a change in tax rules will simply cause them to make the appropriate changes to maximize how much they make.

    The real problem is a lack of growth. There's only so much Silicon Valley can offer in location. If we really start taxing at 35% and eliminated a lot of deductions, then what reason is there to start a business in the U.S. over Shanghai or Hong Kong?

    It's a sad state but we are already testing the waters for capital controls, trying to keep money in the U.S. It's a big mistake we're progressing towards. No one will want to put money into a country that makes it hard to take money out.

    I'll only add to what mcrain wrote by saying that what you're describing is a race to the bottom. If capital gains taxes were so corrosive, every government should logically keep them at 0%. Is that really the logical conclusion you'd like to make with this line of reasoning?

    Investors have already been investing in Asian markets for decades, and it has nothing to do with taxes; it has everything to do with how rapidly those markets have been growing over the past 40 years.

    Nov 26, 11:02 PM
    The PSP is the closest I have seen to the right device. Again add a slide out keyboard and I might buy.

    I think the PSP is just a little too squint-inducing. I like the 6 inch screen form factor of the Sony Reader, but rotated landscape (e.g., something on the order of 7 in. x 4.5 in., with a little more frame on the bottom). Something vaguely like this in form factor (this is just a photoshopped iPod with a photoshopped MacBook Pro screen, intended to show aspect ratio).

    Something comparable to this (http://www.tabletkiosk.com/tkstore/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=35&idproduct=152), but with a native res of 1024x600 (are there TFTs that size and res?), replace the hd with flash, and much cheaper (which means at least 2-3 years from now).

    [Edit: added a photoshop where I overlayed this image over the Sony Reader ad to show scale against a hand. I was too lazy to get rid of the junk around the border from the original iPod ad. I found an existing UMPC that had similar specs, but was much more expensive than I think would be ideal, so removed some of the UMPC comments and added link.]

    May 6, 12:16 AM
    Even if ARM DID get ahead, it wouldn't take Intel long to catch up... Then what?

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